Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, December 13, 2007


i'm quite happy today. i woke up ard 630am. took bath, breakfast nasi goreng lagi. hehe. 3 days in a row i had nasi goreng due to excess of nasi. the, check the water level of the car, then off to work. stopped by to isi minyak coz yesterday after work tak isi pun. malas sbb i nak tgk tv so cam dah tak sempat. so i balik je la. almost 1 hr baru i smp ofis coz jln tutup n i have to make a big round due to the building of fly-over. hopefully it's going to be useful for the motorists.

started doing my work. so, basically what i wanted to do today, managed to do la. it was quite cold in the office. then had lunch with colleagues. i had nasi with kentang + ikan bilis n ayam goreng. kenyang. tapi as usual ard 4 or 5 dah start lapar blk.

went home with husna ard 6pm. then decided to meet hubby at sumwhere. had nasi goreng for dinner. but it is nasi goreng special. hahahaha... few days of nasi goreng. takpela.. as long as i'm full, if not i takleh nak tido nanti sbb lapar.

hmm... one great story to share. hubby managed to complete his degree. most prob he'll be graduating sumwhere in april next year. wish him congrats n semoga success selalu!

since it's december n xmas is also around the corner, i was thinking to go for some shopping.. SHOPPING...sHoPpiNg..ShOpPiNG... hehehe... (hubby jgn jeles ar) nnt i bawak u k. tapi i tau la. try not to overspent. i was thinking nak tambah collection baju keje since i macam dah tak tau nak pakai baju ape. nnt i decide la what to buy.

b4 balik umah tadi stop by at the mall to see farid. then secara kebetulan jumpe my ex-hsemate. nanie. she lives nearby coz she is working nearby as well. she said if senang2 dtg la umah die. so i said insya-Allah nnt ade time i pegi. cam dah lame tak jumpe die. she looked different. tapi i wonder whether die dah habis belajar ke belum? takpela.. if she's not as long as she's finding $ dgn cara yg elok. that's much more better.

so, end of the day. lps ni nk tgk tv. then it's time to sleep.. lalala... lalala... lalala... lalala...

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