Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


this week i'm working for 3 days only coz then i'll be on leave due to restive celebration. yoohhoo.. dahlah last week almost 2 weeks cuti then cuti balik. hahaha.. takpela. most prob we blk kampung tomoro.. dunno la.. the plan is in the hands of the master of the house. that is my dad. i'm currently watching news on tv. news news.. with the flood thingy. kesiannye kat victims tu. i should be thankful to God sbb my area takde flood. hopefully the flood akan surut n sumbody should haf the plan how to avoid flood in that areas yg senang dinaiki air. since new school session is beginning soon. almost 2 weeks time. so pity to all those kids.

x'mas is coming n stil i haven't go to any shopping mall. =( weekend hari tu i kan demam. hmm.. takpela. i will take a good care of myself then only i'll thingk bout going shopping. i juz nak window shop dulu. that day i wanted to buy this baju la. it's 60's. i like it. plus the colour n design rare la. skali masa nak bayar tu kan i asked the shop assistant for a new one la coz the displayed one dah ade benang2 yg dh tercabut. so die return kat i ckp sorry la kak dah habis la. i pun.. hhmmm=( sad lo sbb baju to consider cantik plus harga yg berpatutan. i siap testing n tangkap gambar lagi tu. hahaha.. funny la..

jap gi i nak gi dinner. dunno where. tapi i blum mandi lagi. jap lagi la. today i had mcd for lunch. i had BIG MC. dh lame rasanye tak makan big mac. tadi i survey my frenster a/c then i viewed la my cuzin's page then wahh.. budak2 skrang.. jauh perjalanan nye ye. ntah parents diorang tau ke tak. haha.. takpela .. i malas nak campur. when your kids is groing up, mesti akan face situation same dgn parents yg dah face situation with their elder kids b4 la. so.. lagi sekarang ni. macam2. so i juz pray n hopefully sumernye will be fine rite.

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