Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, August 31, 2008

happy merdeka

51 years of merdeka to my country. hopefully it will become better and safer place for my future generation. it was windy the whole day. so after lunch, i took a nap (again?) hahaha.. dh la tido lame. bgn kul 10 pastu boleh sambung tido lagi . woke up at 3pm. sis called talking and giving opinions on wher to buy the house for me n future husband. tapi future husband kate ade plan lain. takpela. i dh decide where my husband live that's where i am going to be. no matter where. kan shayang kan.. semalam spend some time with my tunang. pusing2 dlm keta nak cari nasi lemak pak lang tapi tak jumpe. last last gi makan nasi lemak gak kat maple. kenyang. uiisshh! talking bout food now i dah lapar plak. hehehe.. malam tadi minum jap kat luar ngan dad, mum, radhi n hubby n ared. balik ard 1am.
esok cuti lagi. n esok is first day of ramadhan. my first time celebrating ramadhan with a different status, tunang orang. of course it is going to be different. n insya-Allah n hopefully masa bulan pose ni semua orang sihat2 ade nye.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

nice picsa


yaay..yaay..juz got back from segamat. very very happy. syok sgt. stil rasa cam mimpi sbb balik kampung hubby. far far away from buildings and bz life at kl. woke up at 6.30am on saturday sbb hubby ckp nak gerak kul 7am. mengantuk sungguh sbb the nite b4 gi karaoke. smp umah ard 1am. the next day baru kemas bag. breakfast nasi goreng. pastu hubby, his mum n syafiq smp. mum die tanye permission from abah. abah kasi. so roughly from my hse ard 9am. stopped by at mulus makan dulu baru gerak. rasa syok sgt sbb nak jalan. smp rest hse ayer keroh dlm kul 11.30am. pastu i dh tersenggut-senggut. ngantuk. sejuk sangat. rasa nak selimut selimut. pastu dh msuk tangkak. trus masuk jln kampung. lalu kaki gunung ledang. sejuk jgk. imagining how hubby used to travel malam2 to n fro uitm. klg segamat. jauh tu. dh la malam. sorang2. syian die. nak kapuk u b. tu sumer experience kan. i ter lelap kejap. ngantuk ssgt. takleh nak handle. alhamdulillah smp umah tokmah ard 1.30pm. rilex rilex jap pastu lunch. lauk ikan baung masak lemak cili api. so full. sedap k mak long masak. tokmah tak brape sihat. she rest on the couch in front of the tv. umah tokmah cantik tau. rumah dpn, kayu blakang batu. rumah kayu tu so unique sbb tak pkai paku. juz selit between kayu. rest kejap. pastu ard 2.30pm jalan2 gi town. minum kat restoran yg kerusi die very old skool. pusing2, tgk kebun pastu balik. it's stil raining la masa kat kampung. balik tu discus on accounts KGE. at last accomplished. ard 6pm gi town balik. tgk kain kat JAKEL. gi pasar malam, gi dataran segamat, ade snap snap photos. syok la. tak beli kain pun. juz setakat tgk je dulu. survey2. hehehe.. =)
balik tu mandi pastu makan mee sup. mak long masak. sedap. pastu hubby planned nak bawak i gi makan kat mee malek tapi tak jadi sbb he dh ngantuk. syafiq je tido siang. we tak. so i dlm 11 dh masuk bilik ngan rina. dh tido. met a few of hubby's relative. pastu tu pun tak pkai kipas. selimut smp kat pinggang. sejuk. chilling... best. pastu today bangun kul 8.30 gi duduk kat hubby kejap. pegang tgn die n oh mi god.. sejuk k. blh tahan eh die. same ngan syafiq. snap snap photos lagi. pastu mandi gi breakfast kat umah mak long. makan nasi lemak. sedap. cam my mum nasi lemak jgk. hehe..
then, from there gerak gi beli kerepek. pastu gerak balik. hari quite clear so dpt tgk gunung ledang from the car tapi tak dpt tgk air terjun. might be it's the other side of the gunung. takpela.. next time bile balik kampung boleh naik gunung ledang. hehehe.. stil rasa cam mimpi. thanks a lot hubby. really enjoyed my holiday. smp tadi pun ade rasa tak nak balik.
=( tapi i got commitments here. hhmmm.. takpe.. nnt dh smp time blh balik lagi kan. so refreshing.. hhmm... NYAMAN nye...

Monday, August 18, 2008

bz day for me

sakit perut. juz transfer those pics to pc. suddenly heart felt sayu. yangg.. nak hug u. love u very much. takpe.. lawan lawan. today at work quite hectic. since morning til lunch. asyik tersilap je since the past few days. dgn gloopy. erkk.. i mean barang asik nak terjatuh. kat tgn la. kat atas meja la. pen la. paper la. isshh isshh.. best plak lagu skang. nak dance dance. music can heal ur soul. yeah.. that's right. dgr la music if u're down, mad, happy and any feelings. syok.. boleh terlupe tension kejap. best kan. tgh tgk olympic jap. hmm... tak penah komen pasal olimpik since it started. coz the starting is my engagement. too many sweet memories on 08.08.08 =) us at the padang.

la la la la la

hep... nak tido ke tak ni? lost kejap. tgh dgr lagu. hmmm... i've done with work. dh mail to ofis email. dh ngantuk ni. oklah. nite nite.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

enjoying weekend

yeah! that's true. a fun, happy and a bit tirying weekend for me. it's enjoyous coz i went for 2 concerts. saturday nite and sunday nite. hehehe.. yesterday went for my class. at first went straight to level 14. pastu tgk e eh dlm renovation. kat mane plak clas ni. pastu tanye one of the lecturer kat dlm her room. she said level 11. then i turun la tingkat 11. round round pastu tak jumpe. saw this one guy, tanye die dlm malay tumpang tanye tau tak kat mane clas P2 ACCA. then he answered in english. i'm not sure la. this is clas P1 ACCA. hmmm.. i pun alamak. camne ni. pusing2 dh dkt 9.30am. last last saw this one guy. he looks like a lecturer. i pun tanye cik kat mane class P2. then he showed ni la clas tu. the clas yg that guy ckp ni clas P1. hmm.. pape je la. then, masuk2, lecturer tanye r u in the right clas? this is P2. i said yes. my first clas. then he said haa.. today we r going to have a test. i was like "surprised" takpe takpe.. then i dh order books, gave my hp no as well as email. then lecturer said he'll email me those slides so i can print n read it on my own. habis clas dlm kul 1230. smp umah terasa amat lapar. tgk ade nasi, lauk sardin n telur dadar. lunch ngan mum together. pastu lepak2 baca magazine. tot of nak settle KGE's matter tapi tak jadi. he fetched me nak gi tgk konsert malam indonesia. ade part tak syok sket bile sound system cam out kejap. really enjoying myself. nyanyi2. senyum2. gelak2. hug2. *wink*wink* we watched til ard 11.30pm. then gerak gi makan malam. supper. nasi goreng cina. uiisshhh.. dh lambat perut cam dah masuk angin. tapi bedal je la daripada lapar. hehe.. balik tu cleaned up. tukar baju tido then it's time to sleep. today woke up around 10am. kuar ngan mum kejap she ajak gi tgk kain ela. for my wedding nnt. pastu, balik tertido kejap. pretty hot la these two days. uiisshh... kena minum banyak air kosong ni. so takde rasa nak demam. tadi pun tekak dh rasa tak syok. btw, dh almost 12. shortly nak tido.. --how short?-- hahaha.. funny.. =D

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

nephews and niece

with moms

some of the hantaran from me


huihh..lame dh tak blog. after my big day of engagement on 08.08.08 i took 2 days leave for preparation. on thursday half day i settled on my road tax n insurance. finally, dah takyah nak worried worried pasal takde road tax. so simple once d insurance are already online. pastu gi renew kat pejabat pos je kan. then, i ingat lagi. beli mcd ngan farid. pastu gi kay ell jap. teman [time tu my bf lagi] wat his keje. we then bought nasi lemak kuchai. balik makan kat sec 2. mm..mm..yummy yummy..so delicious. kenyang. balik umah, mandi2 gi umah kak yan kejap nak send barang. pastu i tido kul brape tak ingat sebab hati ku berbunga-bunga. happy, sebak, terharu.. macam2. at last boleh tido gak...
08.08.08--> bangun lebih kurang kul 7.30am. ape i buat ah?? kemas katil, turun bawah, naik atas, kemas2 sket, pastu mandi then breakfast. hari ni umah i bnyk giler food. from bfast til lunch til dinner. pastu i dh cam kelam kabut sbb towards lunch orang khemah blum datang, kak yan dtg lps friday prayer. she said got 1 more bunga to go. hhmm.. takpe relax relax. be cool baby. pastu ard 12 lunch. continue kemas2 ape yg patut. ard 4pm orang khemah dtg. i nye hantaran for him cantik la yan design. so sweet. cantik sgt. nnt i post pic k. around 4.30pm kena mandi siap2 pakai lense sbb kak midah nak dtg make-up. she said she'll be here ard 5pm tapi die dtg dlm kul 5.30. die start make-up pastu pakai baju sumer. roughly dalam kul 6.45pm dh siap..i looked totally different sampai anak buah i cakap aunty shim dah hilang. uuiisshhh..time tu hati ku lagi berdegup2 laju sebab time nak ditunangkan dah dekat. dgr lagu UNGU TERCIPTA UNTUKKU. hubby ckp he dh dekat gate belakang uitm. dah terjerit kat situ ngan mus. mus la ckp rilex shima rilex shima.. thanx for coming my dear fren. wishes from a few friends as well. thank you very much. then rombongan from lelaki lebih kurang 10 bijik keta arrived. fuhh... time tu sumer org dh turun. ard 9.30pm i pun turun bawah to disarungkan cincin by his mother. lps wakil from our side dh berbincang dgn wakil from his side.. hehehe... nervous giler time tu. tangan i sejuk semacam je. mata dok melilau kesane kemari. pastu lenses camera 'klip' 'klap' 'klip' 'klap' kat i.. uiisshhh! cam artist plak. hehehe..perasan giler babe. pastu dh setel ard 10 baca doa, hubby ade kat dalam. terkejut gak. tak perasan bile die masuk. ingat die dh ade kat situ. pastu senyum2 tersipu malu. hehehe.. *wink*wink* ;) then acara makan malam for the tetamu including families. i tak makan. orang tanye time tu i cakap kenyang.. then snap snap photos lagi. mohsein ckp dlm 2 weeks baru siap. so have to standby the $$ to pay him la. so glad dh setel. roughly org sumer balik dlm kul 11.30pm. my make-up tahan quite lame even till ard 1230 time nak cuci tu pun nmpk fresh lagi. first of all kena cabut lense. pastu baru clean up. rasa quite tebal la make-up die. i used quite a lot of the tissue and lotion. dah setel ard 30min. so far, i puas hati la dgn service kak midah. tukar baju tido, mule terasa diriku lapar. makan nasi tambah 2 kali. time nak tido, senyum sorang2 atas katil, wished Alhamdulillah.. kenduri dah selamat. so lepas ni kena kumpul duit to kahwin next year sebab we plan to ikat for 1 year. insya-Allah. for wedding kena discuss lagi nak gune servis make-up mane.. kann. tggu hubby nye approval gak..
feelings: very very very very very happy... still cam tak percaya i dah bertunang. sekarang ni status i ni "tunangan orang" bile tgk cincin di jari manis.. =) senyum lagi. love u hubby!

Friday, August 8, 2008


wew! the day has come. my engagement day. skrang tgh kemas2, gosok2 ape yg patut. dad cuti kuar jap gi hantar work die, guess so. mum br lps mandi. so roughly round 4pm make-up person will come. btw, i ni blum mandi lagi. shortly la. rasa bz tapi sempat lagi nak blog. lps ni nak kena plan for our wedding plak. date n place tu important. hmmm... aarrggghhh... soooooo excited. nway, will story more after the event has done. insya-Allah and hopefully the event will run smoothly. juz praying hard for it.

my heart says=>lalalalalalala... i'm flying and floating...

08.08.08 aka 8th august 08
-another next episode of my life-

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

6th aug 08

wahh...soooo near. sungguh tak keruan..

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

my new lenses...

yep.. that's right. got me a pair of lenses. since my silauan is quite high for both eyes, i can't or should i say not advise to use the colored lenses. hehe.. well, tadi kat optic centre with bros tried for like 20min b4 i can actually get the lenses into my eyes. sampai mata dh merah. after this nak gi buka lense. =) rasa pelik giler kat mata. sebab ade letak something kat my mata hitam. tapi vision is clear la same cam pakai specs. hehe.. quite cheap la. siap beli eye drops lagi tu. the kakak said tomoro i kena bangun awal sket sbb nk pkai lense. hehe.. nak pakai ke tak ni? blur jap. pastu tadi dine mcd kat umah yan. pass her something for my dulang hantaran. die ckp bunga tu dh nak siap. juz tinggal sket je lagi. perasaan skrang bercampur campur. nervous, excited, happy of course. juz berdoa that everything went on smoothly during the kenduri. insya-Allah. skang tgh layan lagu mariah carey.
bout mum, managed to get an appointment with the psychiatrist at sjmc. we will try our best to get her back to normal condition. juz skrang die mmg tgh banyak mengarut. kesian tau kat die. i also pray hard to God so mum sembuh seperti sedia kala. including dad n family.
today, i took train to work coz keta takde road tax. insurance punye policy tak tau mane. i've checked with amassurance and kurnia. finally jumpe. tomoro they'll fax me a duplicate copy of the policy so i can use it to renew the insurance policy as well as road tax. keta tu dah reoair gear box tapi yang tak syok tu, bile satu dh setel, benda lain plak timbul. ade bunyi2 skang bile drive. dunno wat. suspect some boost or absorber. tapi tu la. it is annoying. dgn radio yg stil tak functioning. sabar je la dulu. maybe lps kan kenduri i dulu baru boleh. insya-Allah.
hhmmm... ade part yang tak boleh nak cakap. bukan ape. saje je. hehehe..jgn marah eh...
dad tgh bengang dgn mum lagi. as usual la. pastu nak sepak2 barang, nak tendang2, nak baling2. geram je. hhmm.. ni kire i sabar la ni. ade gak rasa nak nangis tapi takleh nak ikut kan hati. better i layan lagu lagi best. 2 more nites b4 my engagement. aarrgghh...tensi tensi sket. semalam perut i sakit. takleh nak shi-shi. pastu i bangun ard 3am sapu minyak panas kat perut then minum air suam. baru tido. pagi tadi bangun lambat tau. 7am. hehe. smp ofis lambat. ard 9.30am. semalam lagi la. lunch dari kul 12 smp 2.30pm. i n kak zurina gi ofis lame. lunch ngan our gang. borak2. kak zurina is pregnant including murni. hehe.. congrats to both of them. btw, off now.. nak clean up then tido. chiow!

Monday, August 4, 2008

kelam kabut to the max

yep. that's right. i am sooooo kelam kabut. terasa yg amat melampaui batasnye. heheh.. since friday. smp umah ard 12 cam tu. pack gile time. rasa cam nak spend some spacious time ngan die takde lagi tapi we did spend some time together. getting all the stuff for our engagement. lost nk cr brg. pk sane pk sini. yesterday alhamdulillah i managed to settle most of the stuff. today went to see midah khan to settle baju n make up. pastu balik umah nenek. drove his car. hmm... if blh nak hug sie skrang. tapi takpe. i kena banyak sabar, sebab by end of this 1 step [biggest step] i will be with him til end of my life. insya-Allah. now i terasa so in love with him n how much do i missed him. hopefully he is recovering soon. he's fever, flu n cough berulang ulang skrang ni. guess so he's tension at the same time. personal+work. dun worry dear, i will alwiz support u. be ur back bone. love u so much.

now i tgh counting on days. lagi brape hari je b4 my engagement. oohh terasa sgt pack. tapi i'm happy. tired but i'm happy. that's right. happy sgt. sbb i'm going to get married with him. hhmm... =) big smile on the face. b, thanx for all ur support, love and everything. banyak yg i nak share stories dgn anak u nanti. how he handle mummy. =)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

i'm down

that's wat i feel at the moment. by right in less than a week my engagement is goin to take place. i shud be happy. yeah! shud.. but i'm sad. juz cried. few weeks been tackling that emotion but today, i'm weak n loss. it's mum. n family as well. i rasa tension sgt. semalam i mc. tak sihat. ade rashes. today planned to go out in the morning. tapi he's going out with his family to breakfast. pastu tgh hari he is going out with his family to buy stuff. sempat ke tak pegi survey n tgk barang ni. so rushing. dgn weekdays yg kelam kabut n so bz tak tentu arah. sekarang i rasa how much in need of a mother for a this kind of occassion especially for weddings. tapi takpela i sabar je la. sebab i ade kawan yg mum die dh passed away. so how can she managed her wedding. n now she's pregnant. so i should think positive. takpela. yang mane i boleh buat i buat la yg termampu. insya-Allah. juz tadi i ade terpk.. dunno la whether is it a conscious or unconcsious thought. macam i ni yg need therapist and psychiatrist. hhmmm.. bengong la. i pun blum mandi. jap gi nak mandi pastu nak kuar kejap. if he can't make it i pegi sendiri je la. or else nnt i try to ask mus. ok la. nak mandi,