Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 4, 2008

kelam kabut to the max

yep. that's right. i am sooooo kelam kabut. terasa yg amat melampaui batasnye. heheh.. since friday. smp umah ard 12 cam tu. pack gile time. rasa cam nak spend some spacious time ngan die takde lagi tapi we did spend some time together. getting all the stuff for our engagement. lost nk cr brg. pk sane pk sini. yesterday alhamdulillah i managed to settle most of the stuff. today went to see midah khan to settle baju n make up. pastu balik umah nenek. drove his car. hmm... if blh nak hug sie skrang. tapi takpe. i kena banyak sabar, sebab by end of this 1 step [biggest step] i will be with him til end of my life. insya-Allah. now i terasa so in love with him n how much do i missed him. hopefully he is recovering soon. he's fever, flu n cough berulang ulang skrang ni. guess so he's tension at the same time. personal+work. dun worry dear, i will alwiz support u. be ur back bone. love u so much.

now i tgh counting on days. lagi brape hari je b4 my engagement. oohh terasa sgt pack. tapi i'm happy. tired but i'm happy. that's right. happy sgt. sbb i'm going to get married with him. hhmm... =) big smile on the face. b, thanx for all ur support, love and everything. banyak yg i nak share stories dgn anak u nanti. how he handle mummy. =)

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