Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, August 17, 2008

enjoying weekend

yeah! that's true. a fun, happy and a bit tirying weekend for me. it's enjoyous coz i went for 2 concerts. saturday nite and sunday nite. hehehe.. yesterday went for my class. at first went straight to level 14. pastu tgk e eh dlm renovation. kat mane plak clas ni. pastu tanye one of the lecturer kat dlm her room. she said level 11. then i turun la tingkat 11. round round pastu tak jumpe. saw this one guy, tanye die dlm malay tumpang tanye tau tak kat mane clas P2 ACCA. then he answered in english. i'm not sure la. this is clas P1 ACCA. hmmm.. i pun alamak. camne ni. pusing2 dh dkt 9.30am. last last saw this one guy. he looks like a lecturer. i pun tanye cik kat mane class P2. then he showed ni la clas tu. the clas yg that guy ckp ni clas P1. hmm.. pape je la. then, masuk2, lecturer tanye r u in the right clas? this is P2. i said yes. my first clas. then he said haa.. today we r going to have a test. i was like "surprised" takpe takpe.. then i dh order books, gave my hp no as well as email. then lecturer said he'll email me those slides so i can print n read it on my own. habis clas dlm kul 1230. smp umah terasa amat lapar. tgk ade nasi, lauk sardin n telur dadar. lunch ngan mum together. pastu lepak2 baca magazine. tot of nak settle KGE's matter tapi tak jadi. he fetched me nak gi tgk konsert malam indonesia. ade part tak syok sket bile sound system cam out kejap. really enjoying myself. nyanyi2. senyum2. gelak2. hug2. *wink*wink* we watched til ard 11.30pm. then gerak gi makan malam. supper. nasi goreng cina. uiisshhh.. dh lambat perut cam dah masuk angin. tapi bedal je la daripada lapar. hehe.. balik tu cleaned up. tukar baju tido then it's time to sleep. today woke up around 10am. kuar ngan mum kejap she ajak gi tgk kain ela. for my wedding nnt. pastu, balik tertido kejap. pretty hot la these two days. uiisshh... kena minum banyak air kosong ni. so takde rasa nak demam. tadi pun tekak dh rasa tak syok. btw, dh almost 12. shortly nak tido.. --how short?-- hahaha.. funny.. =D

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