Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

my new lenses...

yep.. that's right. got me a pair of lenses. since my silauan is quite high for both eyes, i can't or should i say not advise to use the colored lenses. hehe.. well, tadi kat optic centre with bros tried for like 20min b4 i can actually get the lenses into my eyes. sampai mata dh merah. after this nak gi buka lense. =) rasa pelik giler kat mata. sebab ade letak something kat my mata hitam. tapi vision is clear la same cam pakai specs. hehe.. quite cheap la. siap beli eye drops lagi tu. the kakak said tomoro i kena bangun awal sket sbb nk pkai lense. hehe.. nak pakai ke tak ni? blur jap. pastu tadi dine mcd kat umah yan. pass her something for my dulang hantaran. die ckp bunga tu dh nak siap. juz tinggal sket je lagi. perasaan skrang bercampur campur. nervous, excited, happy of course. juz berdoa that everything went on smoothly during the kenduri. insya-Allah. skang tgh layan lagu mariah carey.
bout mum, managed to get an appointment with the psychiatrist at sjmc. we will try our best to get her back to normal condition. juz skrang die mmg tgh banyak mengarut. kesian tau kat die. i also pray hard to God so mum sembuh seperti sedia kala. including dad n family.
today, i took train to work coz keta takde road tax. insurance punye policy tak tau mane. i've checked with amassurance and kurnia. finally jumpe. tomoro they'll fax me a duplicate copy of the policy so i can use it to renew the insurance policy as well as road tax. keta tu dah reoair gear box tapi yang tak syok tu, bile satu dh setel, benda lain plak timbul. ade bunyi2 skang bile drive. dunno wat. suspect some boost or absorber. tapi tu la. it is annoying. dgn radio yg stil tak functioning. sabar je la dulu. maybe lps kan kenduri i dulu baru boleh. insya-Allah.
hhmmm... ade part yang tak boleh nak cakap. bukan ape. saje je. hehehe..jgn marah eh...
dad tgh bengang dgn mum lagi. as usual la. pastu nak sepak2 barang, nak tendang2, nak baling2. geram je. hhmm.. ni kire i sabar la ni. ade gak rasa nak nangis tapi takleh nak ikut kan hati. better i layan lagu lagi best. 2 more nites b4 my engagement. aarrgghh...tensi tensi sket. semalam perut i sakit. takleh nak shi-shi. pastu i bangun ard 3am sapu minyak panas kat perut then minum air suam. baru tido. pagi tadi bangun lambat tau. 7am. hehe. smp ofis lambat. ard 9.30am. semalam lagi la. lunch dari kul 12 smp 2.30pm. i n kak zurina gi ofis lame. lunch ngan our gang. borak2. kak zurina is pregnant including murni. hehe.. congrats to both of them. btw, off now.. nak clean up then tido. chiow!

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