Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, August 31, 2008

happy merdeka

51 years of merdeka to my country. hopefully it will become better and safer place for my future generation. it was windy the whole day. so after lunch, i took a nap (again?) hahaha.. dh la tido lame. bgn kul 10 pastu boleh sambung tido lagi . woke up at 3pm. sis called talking and giving opinions on wher to buy the house for me n future husband. tapi future husband kate ade plan lain. takpela. i dh decide where my husband live that's where i am going to be. no matter where. kan shayang kan.. semalam spend some time with my tunang. pusing2 dlm keta nak cari nasi lemak pak lang tapi tak jumpe. last last gi makan nasi lemak gak kat maple. kenyang. uiisshh! talking bout food now i dah lapar plak. hehehe.. malam tadi minum jap kat luar ngan dad, mum, radhi n hubby n ared. balik ard 1am.
esok cuti lagi. n esok is first day of ramadhan. my first time celebrating ramadhan with a different status, tunang orang. of course it is going to be different. n insya-Allah n hopefully masa bulan pose ni semua orang sihat2 ade nye.

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