Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, August 8, 2008


wew! the day has come. my engagement day. skrang tgh kemas2, gosok2 ape yg patut. dad cuti kuar jap gi hantar work die, guess so. mum br lps mandi. so roughly round 4pm make-up person will come. btw, i ni blum mandi lagi. shortly la. rasa bz tapi sempat lagi nak blog. lps ni nak kena plan for our wedding plak. date n place tu important. hmmm... aarrggghhh... soooooo excited. nway, will story more after the event has done. insya-Allah and hopefully the event will run smoothly. juz praying hard for it.

my heart says=>lalalalalalala... i'm flying and floating...

08.08.08 aka 8th august 08
-another next episode of my life-

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