Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 18, 2008

bz day for me

sakit perut. juz transfer those pics to pc. suddenly heart felt sayu. yangg.. nak hug u. love u very much. takpe.. lawan lawan. today at work quite hectic. since morning til lunch. asyik tersilap je since the past few days. dgn gloopy. erkk.. i mean barang asik nak terjatuh. kat tgn la. kat atas meja la. pen la. paper la. isshh isshh.. best plak lagu skang. nak dance dance. music can heal ur soul. yeah.. that's right. dgr la music if u're down, mad, happy and any feelings. syok.. boleh terlupe tension kejap. best kan. tgh tgk olympic jap. hmm... tak penah komen pasal olimpik since it started. coz the starting is my engagement. too many sweet memories on 08.08.08 =) us at the padang.

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