Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


every one has their own problems. i mean everybody. u know la. yesterday was a very tak tahan situation for me. with conditions at home. everybody who is listening wil say i understand [that doesn't exclude me] but infact is they dont really understand every one's problems but should also say thankful wat wat they have actually said. for being caring.
even yesterday i rasa cam i ni make a lot of troubles to my fiancee. when i told him that sorry for burdening u, he'll be mad at me tapi tu ape yg i rasa. ntah la.. when it involves feelings macam2 ade. mmg rasa wanna be alone i repeat WANNA BE ALONE tu very high. tapi nnt selalu kena marah ngan my fiancee. wat for? wat for? hhmm... aisshh..dah la it's not good to sighing all the way coz it means that you are not thankful of wat God has given us. we should thankful of wat we have regardless of wat we got. it is juz how me managed n handle things. fiancee juz called told me to go for my lunch. i dunno wat to eat. i have no mood actually. so how? i have to fight this emotional. anyway, i got some better topics to be posted for this month as i started my may month with mood of happiness. will update later when i'm at home. coz i got some cool pics to share as well. yoohoo! and another syiok thing is my countdown.. hehehe.. today left like 94 days b4 my marriage. yoohoo! takut, nervous, happy, excited, happy, syok....bak kata astro macam-macam ada. hahaha.... jap lagi nak call orang tanya pasal kompang. maybe my ex-classmate kot. oklah chiow miow!

- mutual feelings is when you have the understanding between 2 lovers without the necessary to explain it all-

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