Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, May 30, 2009

alamak dh tggl 69 days

omigod. tggl lg brape hari je. bnyk benda tak finalized lagi ni. i terasa takut k. card alhamdulillah the cost is rm900 for a thousand cards. lower than my budget. btw, hari ni i mean kejap lagi nak pegi tempah kain baju melayu bros n dad.

updates on mum. i will cry when it involves mum. my fiancee did his best to actually rise up my spirit and to control my emotion. finally i took mum to sjmc last thursday. giving her the medication which i think is the best cure for her. sis even did argued she doesnt like chemicals running in mum's blood. but do we have an option? i wonder. i dont think so. so i guess she has to depend on the medication till end of her life. similar to those with diabetics or high blood pressure of even that involving heart. you have to take medication so ur level of sugar for example will be at the safe level. hopefully mum will be recoverable fully bcoz i pity of her had to live on her old life being sick. i want her to be happy. enjoying moments of her final years of life or better words golden age. not just mum, dad as well. praying to God for his blessings and to forgive all of our sins.

u know these few days my fiancee being so hectic at work. from morning til night. even after ofis hours, he will be doing his business. i told him that n he said that what can he do. he is looking for money to survive. plus he is getting married. plus it is also for me. yes i understand that tapi sometimes i ade rasa i just want a little time from him. nowadays, malam we bearly talk on the phone coz we were bz in the days plus we are tired. even if we had the opprtunity, we were found sleeping by the phone in the next morning. takpela. i sabar je la. by the way, i am getting married to him in 69 days time. if i were to think, it is like so short. minus those weeks that we have to work even during weekend. we were like left with hmmm..how many days. 20? yeah..it's true wat people say. u will get happiness after some sacrification. maybe just for a little while.

oklah..there's no need to cry or being sad. ur big day is coming girl. and yeah i have confirmed that my bridesmaid will be my schoolmate. thanx a lot. will be meeting her soon to pass her the sample color of the kain. well, gtg now. i want to go clean up myself especially my index finger. coz it was tersepit with penjemur kain. sian i eh. luke tau. tadi mum dh jampi. oww! hehehe..

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