Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

hubby posted long words aka letter to my mail

i was so touched. i know he is trying his best to comfort me eventhough he is not so capable to comfort me if to compared to my mum, but thanks for everything dear. i dunno y me or is it juz myself that sumtimes have the thought that he [my fiancee] doesn't care bout me, love me or even miss me. coz he is bz, bz, bz, bz, bz with work and matters but when if it is his friends he will on the spot entertaining them. hhmm... tak suke la feelings tu. menyemak je ok. tak suke tak suke tak suke.. hahaha..
mum stil at kampung.. having her time there. she seems to be enjoying herself there. gud for her. but as usual kesian my dad. tapi as wat hubby said, my future babies need more of existence physically and mentally. so i have to be strong and emotionally strong in order to sustain that. insya-Allah.
work-->bnyk benda nk kena settle. mmg tak ckup tangan. so kena pandai2 budget time.

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