Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 10, 2009

~ happy mother's day ~

to my mother aka mama; siti rodziah bte nordin. i love u very much. i am damn very very much worried bout urself. i am still clueless even til now why is it that u r acting this way. behaviorial is not like ordinary people. i miss u very much. i miss those talks including laughs and wise words u gave when i shared with u my problems, my happiness and evrything in ur daughter's life. i'm sad when i look at abah, sleeping alone in front of the tv. i'm sure he misses his wife too. the wife to share his ups and downs through life and how i know he wants to share things when he is about to retire soon. mama, there's many things i've asked u in ur life, r u mad at anybody, r u thinking of anyone in the past. she seems to be cant let go of her past and that wat makes it worst. coz she is living now based on her past memories. everyday her stories are based on dulu-dulu, kisah dulu-dulu, macam mana that things happened.
as a girl going through marriage ceremony, there are a lot of things to be shared and asked from sumone to be name MOTHER. eventhough i can ask my future mother in law or my sis or my frens who are married, of course it wil not be the same as my MOTHER. but i should think positive. i should think that at least i stil have a mother. unlike some of other people who doesnt have a mother when they r getting married. who to refer to, who to ask, who to share with. come on girl, stop crying. tears wont change anything without action to be taken. what i can do now besides taking mum for medication is to pray to God for her well being n long live. insya-Allah. here i would like to take this opprtunity to wish my mum Happy Mother's Day!

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