Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, May 21, 2009

~ family trip aka to CAMERON HGHLAND ~

finally, the post that i want to post since beginning of the month. the days have passed for bout 20 days which leave is with around 10 days b4 we begin our lives in the month of JUNE. i was surprised that dad told me we were going to CH 3 days earlier as i've planned to go for ring searching with my fiancee. i was excited. told bros bout it n they knew it before hand. told mum but mum was a bit reluctant coz she said, where got $$ to go for hols. letting the days passed til the day it arrives. i juz packed my bag that morning which was on 1st may 09. eventually it is a public holiday coz it is a labour day. yoohoo! otw, dad n mum bebel 'ing' bout how we acted towards their assets. as in y we dont care of the things they bought like car for example. it is because of the e-yot-e-yot sound. haiisshh! quite tension that morning. but went thru it. the day was quite hot la. then it was traffic jam towards perak. we stopped by at sumwhere in perak. wasnt sure what's the name of the place. we had lunch there. oh forgot to tell. another family to join is uncle kamal's and uncle daud's. what a long journey. i think i have never been on a long journey like this before. just making sure that my tummy are filled with food so i wont be vomitting on the way uphill. hehe..typical girl travelling making sure her tummy is not upset. alhamdulillah we reached our destination around 4pm. and we actually checked in to our apartment at 5pm. lepaking.. calling fiancee. he is having so much fun at waterfall. dunno when will i get the opportunity to go there. btw, back to my trip. after asar prayer, we went to town to eat as both dads are hungry. our place is called tanah rata. the road i tell u. belok2. i was soo pening. the weather is cold that i need to put on sweater. i got running nose for that few days. we had roti canai. it was tasty. then it was raining heavily. i did not buy anything on the first day. then, we had our dinner there before going back to apartment for a nite sleep after a long hot journey. i shared a room with my bros. we combined the 2 single beds and bobob sleeps in the middle. sejuk tau. if ade partner i, sure i blh kapuk die that nite. btw, i am missing him. dunno whether is he missing me or not. hmm...
next day woke up ard 8. had bfast. mum n makcik zai prepared sardine sandwich for us. kenyang b4 we went out for a proper kenyang meal. we jalan2 and this time we went further up. to brinchang. we then went to the strawberry farm. bought some tea boxes and also strawberries. we even shared strawberry ice-cream. so damn yummy. then we moved to our next stop for overnite. it is a rest house sumwhere in the middle of brinchang's town. pretty bz and chaos la. even got traffic jam. we had kfc for dinner. dads have gone for golfing. we all (the other 3 families) gi jalan2 at pasar malam. some souvenir shop. then makan balik. apam balik. dlm 6 back to hotel cleaned up then rest. tggu dad balik b4 go out for dinner together. whoosshh! chillingnye weather. syok pun syok. hehehe.. geram pun geram. that nite, the 5 of us shared the same room. combine bed then tido. syok tau. macam2 style. juz hoping that that nite neither bob or farid banged the dressing table. hehehe...

next day around 9am we make our move back to home. yaay! we had breakfast before leaving. we reached home around noon. then dad took off for golf [again *grin* hehehe] we all lepak umah order pizza for lunch n lepak at home. and so surprisingly, my running nose stops. guess so the weather that makes it that way coz ground is hotter than uphill. ape ape pun, alhamdulillah dah selamat sampai kat umah. btw, here are some photos taken there. enjoy the moments.

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