Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, May 16, 2009

e-o-e-o-e-o [siren sudah berbunyi]

the clock is ticking [tick-tick-tick-tick] today it is like 83 more days before my big day. well, well.. look wat i've got here to post. aarrhhh..suddenly i felt so damn nervous like there's a butterfly in my stomach. oohh..aahh.. how? felt like alamak time tak banyak lagi la. n banyak benda lagi ni.. uissh.. uissh.. this week alhamdulillah managed to control my emotion and i really love it. besides ofis politicking and hypocrites, i got better way of life besides work to think of. it's not losing anything if i dont befriended with those losers at ofis. guess they have worked too long in that place n that's y they cant think out of the box. penat je aku. arrhh..lantak ko.

btw, first n foremost, my loan has been approved. alhamdulillah. i need to check out the cash maybe today later. then i need to diskusi with my fiancee [dearest dear aka dd] on the reconciliation part that need to be done on the money. mak andam, we have paid more cash to her n left like rm5k. wow! quite an amount of money. then, card finally DAD says ok. so told my fiancee to proceed with it. i have confirmed the number of cards which is 500 pieces only. then, i need to do some searching on the pics based on the theme 'garden of heaven' hehehe... hhmm.. wat else? yah..hubby already confirmed the photographer at my house. covering all the events. then, sumwhere in june, we will see the guy to pay deposit n stories behind the event. i mean wat time, wat's the theme, colors, the susun atur cara n lots more. kain for pengapit blum beli lagi. tapi kain for family dah survey survey. maybe today we will confirm n buy the kain. plus this week nak siapkan forms. fuh! fuh! busy la gue. mmm.. lagi yang major haa... blum call pakcik husin tu lagi. nak confirm ngan die susun atur tu camne. pastu yang lain lain tu minor. eh wait ade lagi major. nak tempah kain for baju nikah ni. well, i think i just go with the simplest design that is 'baju kurung moden' well, ape lagi eh.. i think skang baru minor such as inai-spa-bunga telur. oohh ade lagi la. nak cat umah and nak kemas umah. itu tersangat la major. lemme recap things left to do.

1. call pakcik husin
2. forms
3. inai
4. spa
5. door gift
6. hantaran [sket lagi]
7. kemas umah [cat umah, buang2 yg mane patut, maintain umah]
8. tempah baju nikah
9. beli kain


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