Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

end of the first half of the year

panjangnye title of this post. it is true coz today is 30th june 2009. meaning we are going forward to the next half of the year. some people may want to review whether have they achieved any target they made early this year, some people may also making more plans before this year ends, some people may also want to forget what had happened in their life through out this 6 months. as for me i'm looking forward to my marriage and life after marriage. guess so many more interesting things could i explore after my marriage. a lot more things for me to learn in terms of respecting, appreciating, teamwork, tolerancy, understanding and not forgetting loving each other's presence plus many many many many many many many many many more things which are countless. INSYA-ALLAH..

..Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku Kau Rahmati serta Berkatilah Rumahtangga Yang Bakal Aku Bina Ini..

some article

Perbalahan sentiasa berlaku. Tidak semua di antara kita sebagai manusia akan bersetuju dengan pendapat orang lain setiap masa. Orang lain juga pun takkan sentiasa setuju dengan pendapat kita. Namun demikian, dalam percintaan/perhubungan, perbalahan boleh menjadi terlalu mengikut emosi, sampai ke tahap boleh melukakan hati pasangan.

1) Jangan Bersyarah Dalam perhubungan yang matang,anda mesti menghormati pasangan anda dan juga diri sendiri sebagai orang dewasa. Bila anda mula bersyarah dengan panjang lebar kepada seseorang itu tentang kesalahannya, ini boleh mencetuskan perasaan yang amat tidak selesa dalam dirinya. Satu `kuasa' memberontak dan tidak puas hati terhadap anda boleh wujud hasil dari sikap tersebut. Oleh itu, selain dari bersikap "anda adalah betul" dalam situasi seperti ini, adalah lebih baik anda bercakap tentang bagaimana cara untuk membetulkan kesilapan yang telah berlaku. Fokus anda mesti kepada bagaimana untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang timbul dan juga supaya perkara itu tidak berulang lagi.

2) Jangan Balas Dendam Selalunya, bila hati seseorang itu benar-benar disakiti oleh pasangannya, dia juga akan bertindak balas untuk menyakiti hati pasangannya semula. Biar pasangannya rasa bersalah dan rasa apa yang dia rasa. Kononnya supaya pasangannya "sedar" bahawa kesalahan telah dilakukan. Pada masa itu, tindakan macam ni seolah-olah idea yang bagus, sebenarnya akan memalapkan lagi perhubungan. Jangan bertindak begitu. Bila anda salahkan pasangan anda tentang sesuatu perkara dan cuba buat dia rasa bersalah, anda mengatakan bahawa anda Betul dan dia Salah--hukuman telah dijatuhkan, susah nak selesaikan pergaduhan anda!

3) Jangan Tinggikan Suara Bila emosi dan kemarahan menguasai diri, adalah sukar untuk mengawal suara lebih-lebih lagi bila pasangan anda sendiri meninggikan suara kepada anda. Walau apa pun, anda mesti ingat merendahkan nada suara dan bercakap dengan tenang dan tidak menengking amat penting bila berbincang dalam sesuatu konflik. Suasana tenang membolehkan anda dan pasangan mendengar dengan lebih baik apa yang diperkatakan terhadap satu sama lain. Konflik dapat diselesaikan dengan lebih cepat dan tidak merebak dengan lebih teruk dan merosakkan.

4) Elakkan Terlalu Peribadi dan Sensitif Masa situasi konflik tengah hangat, janganlah terlalu sangat "terasa", jangan terlalu sensitif atau "take it too personal". Keadaan yang tengah "panas" boleh buat anda terlepas cakap. Oleh itu pastikan anda tidak terlalu sensitif atas segala yang sedang diperkatakan kerana selalunya emosi lebih menguasai keadaan pada waktu ini. Oleh itu, kadangkala ada waktunya perkara betul yang pasangan anda katakan boleh menjadi perkara yang amat sensitif bagi anda dan anda pula boleh terlepas cakap atau sengaja "melepas" cakap tanpa berfikir panjang.

5) Jangan Timbulkan Perkara-perkara Kecil Bila tengah bergaduh tu, jangan timbulkan perkara-perkara kecil yang langsung tak membantu selesaikan masalah. Perkara-perkara kecil yang dalam 2-3 hari akan datang tu dah boleh lupa contohnya la, tak perlulah diungkit. Fikir sebelum timbulkan benda-benda kecil macam ni sebab ia takkan membantu, membakar semangat marah dan terukkan lagi keadaan tu adalah. Benda-benda kecil ni termasuk la juga perkara yang dah lama terjadi dah...3-4 bulan lepas contohnya--jadi tumpu hanya pada isu yang sedang berlaku.

6) Mendengar Dengan Teliti Walaupun susah nak dibuat, anda perlu jadi pendengar yang baik dan teliti. Pasangan anda mungkin dengan jelasnya beritahu apa yang anda berdua perlu untuk selesaikan masalah tapi disebabkan anda tak ambil perhatian, tak dengar dengan baik dan teliti, bukan saja cadangan dia anda tak ambil kira, malah anda pula bagi penyelesaian yang takde kena-mengena dan merumitkan keadaan.

7) Fokus Satu Isu Pada Satu Masa Seperti biasa yang anda mungkin dah banyak kali dengar...fokus! Perkara terbaik yang anda boleh buat ialah kenal pasti apa punca sebenar masalah dalam perhubungan anda sekarang dan cari penyelesaian untuk isu itu sahaja. Bila anda mula bercakap tentang banyak perkara, macam-macam isu, anda mengelirukan keadaan. Selesaikan satu persatu dan bergerak ke punca isu yang lain bila isu pertama selesai. Tentu sekali anda ingin tau apa cerita sebenar yang jadi punca mengeruhkan hubungan anda supaya masalah dapat selesai dengan cepat, jadi pastikan anda fokus!

8) Jangan Serang! Biasalah, dah terlalu marah sangat, anda pun "naik angin"...bila perkara macam ni berlaku, biasanya anda boleh menyerang peribadi pasangan anda. Sebelum perkara macam ni berlaku, fikir dan sedar bahawa ia TAKKAN membantu malah memburukkan keadaan. Anda ingin selesaikan masalah, bukan nak serang pasangan anda.

9) Mesti Hormat Perbalahan/pertelingkahan dalam perhubungan boleh menjadikan sesuatu perhubungan itu lebih matang dan lebih rapat malah lebih indah setelah konflik dan isu berakhir dengan baik. Nak jadi macam ni, anda perlu faham perbalahan perlu di lihat dalam konteks "learning experience" atau proses belajar selain melihatnya dari satu sudut saja. Beri perhatian, sabar, tenang, buat "eye contact", tanya soalan yang relevan dan diperlukan dalam masa yang sesuai. Ini adalah antara cara utama untuk menunjukkan sikap hormat kepada pasangan anda. Bersama dengan sikap seperti ini anda berdua PASTI boleh menyelesaikan segala masalah yang melanda.

10) Jangan Tinggalkan Satu lagi perkara yang sukar dibuat bila bergaduh ialah berada tetap dalam tempoh konflik itu sedang berlaku dari mula sampai selesai. Ramai orang bila dah tak tahan, marah sangat, terus tinggalkan pasangan, bermaksud terus keluar dari "medan" konflik atau pertelingkahan sekaligus membiarkan situasi "tergantung" macam tu je. Pasangan pun dia tinggalkan sorang. Okay, walaupun rasa tak boleh tahan sangat, marah ke, "tension" ke, jangan angkat kaki, tinggalkan konflik dan pasangan macam tu je. Bagi tau dia anda perlukan masa sekejap untuk tenangkan fikiran sebentar, mungkin anda pergi duduk tempat lain kejap ke...kemudian pastikan anda datang semula. Ini secara tidak langsung menunjukkan anda seorang yang berkaliber dan dapat mengurus emosi dengan baik tak kiralah anda lelaki atau wanita.

Monday, June 29, 2009

hhmm.. what a thought

i dunno wat to say coz i am really blur today. my mind is at ease today. keep on praying to him and insya-Allah it will do. i agree that i am tensed with wedding preparation. [who doesn't? say so] not just that basically, it includes life after marriage, financial n lots more. u know when i was sitting alone.. especially journey to and from ofis, i was wondering how can i improve myself to be a quality person. yes quality means a lot of things in respect of God, parents, siblings, families, partner and people around. sometimes i rasa cam i ni sooo damn useless. tapi tak elok kan pk camtu. God created everyone with full of specialties. each one of the human beings. yes in that case we need to appreciate what HE gave to us.
talking bout appreciation, i think that many people have told me that i ni the type of ppl that would not appreciate things. i ni dh besar. can't i think out of the box. well, i guess i have to be more careful with what i wanted to say coz words and actions can't be rewind. videos and songs yes they can. before i lose anything that i love in this wide world, i should always remember to appreciate things. especially to my PARTNER aka MY FUTURE HUSBAND aka MY FIANCEE aka MUHAMAD FAIZ MARICAN BIN MUBARAK. bcoz i personally thinks that how he were to control his angerness n madness towards me whenever i derespect him.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

stop & stare

sometimes at certain pace.. it is necessary to stop & stare before you proceed to take the necessary actions in order for you to move on without falling or failing. but as a human being without falling or failure u maybe not reaching what you have today. falling n failing may teach a great lesson and can i say the most wonderous TEACHER on earth. but dont forget as an Islamic Practitioner we in the end need and have to refer to one and only GOD. the most powerful and [no specific words can describe] bout GOD. ALLAH MAHA BESAR! we in deed should always believe in GOD and always say your prayer coz HE is there listening to every human's cry or happyness. the love to GOD is eternal n much more eternity compared to human's love.


yaay! yahoo! tadi i pegi jogging. rasa cam tarik nafas dah sangkut sangkut. tak syok langsung. cam semput. then i bangun pun quite early. around 8am. trus berus gigi tuka baju then gi jogging somewhere nearby only. takde la breakfast ape2. i jog dlm 1 1/2 rounds yang 1 round lagi jalan. ingat nak tambah satu round lagi tapi dh tggl sorang. ade uncle ngan anak die 2 orang dh balik. so i was thinking quite dangerous so sampai je kat tangga tu trus la buat tarik nafas then drove home. dh start berpeluh2 lencun. sampai umah macam nak muntah + pengsan. dh lapar la kot. pastu trus masak air buat air milo. pastu mum plak orang tanye pasal scallop langsir tu then nak marah2. ye la i ni memang habiskan duit je. tak reti nk save. pastu i ckp la kat mum i ni nak muntah. trus je die ckp mengandung ke. then i bengang la. pastu i trus ckp dah la. malas nak layan mama. i trus duduk diam2 makan roti n milo. pastu naik atas. hmm... skang dh rasa ok sket. tarik nafas pun dh best. hehe.. nnt nk gi jog lagi la. nak main badminton pun takde gang. maybe tengok la i nk try main next week kat ofis if it is allowable.


muahahahahahahahaha!! happynye myself sebab dh tengok transformers. movie yang ditunggu2 basically oleh semua orang. almost 2 years la after the previous one. i really enjoyed the movie. we went four of us. fiancee bought the tix for us the nite before and at first he said 10.45am but the fact is it is at 11.30am. i woke up pretty early coz i had a whole nite before to myself. i was so damn bloody sleepy *whoops* sowee.. then i slept around 10pm. didn't even eat dinner or drink milo. juz had teh-o n toast bread earlier at kopitiam. well... did some cleaning up before i went out. first to go n change my car light bulb. it was already blown up. it costs me 20 bucks. but nvm, i kan suke worried worried benda kecik2 ni. so better i tuka so dah takde nk risau ape2 lagi.

back to the movie.. wow! awesome! best! tapi last2 kan bile tgk yang jahat tu mesti ade sambungan die lagi. biase le sequel sequel ni. mesti ade new character. tapi masa optimus nak mati tu i cam sedey sket k.. pastu lagi sedey bile sumer org ingat sam dah mati.. pastu ade part bongok sket masa sam tgh mati tu die jumpe primes yang lain2 cam tuhan plak.. pastu dan2 terbatuk n die pun alive. hahaha... =)

back from the movie, i had dinner at fiancee's house. ade ayam masak kicap n sambal tumis udang. yummy! kenyang. i bertambah. malu je. bile ingat mum penah pesan kat umah orang jangan makan macam tak penah jumpe nasi. pastu kan i dunno y sampai skang i segan bile lepak umah my fiancee ni. dh nk kawin pun. ntahla... feelings tu mmg ade. bile i ckp i segan then he would say alah.. ape nak segan..ngade2 je i ni. hhmm.. tuhan je yang tau feelings i time tu. pastu lepas makan gi teman mum die g tengok umah anne. the house cantik tau. pastu tgk interior die lagi la wow! i suke.. nnt kalo ade $$ boleh buat kat umah sendiri. hehe..if allowed by husband la kan.. kan..kan..

pastu petang gi centro.. tgk warehouse sale. takde la banyak sangat yang sale. pastu takde sangat keinginan nak beli tu semua. mind tgh pening nak setel kan barang2 wedding. pastu lps maghrib.. fiancee brought me to jalan taiping. i already bought the kotak n ribbons. cantik tau. color merah.. well i will upload it at below. masa tgh otw back tu.. we cam ckp sambil cam marah2. ye la.. sape tak worried ngan wedding preparation kn. hubby said not to worry. oklah i will try not to. sorry la i ni banyak buat u pening kepala. sometimes rasa nak lari duk jauh2 from him biar takyah susahkan die. hhmm...haa tgk tgk dh emo. ntah pape la. nway here are some photos..

b4 ribbon with ribbon fruits

Friday, June 26, 2009

i was fasting yesterday

i had my ganti puasa yesterday plus puasa sunat di bulan rejab. hubby pun same. die puasa sunat. i did bangun sahur had nasi with fish n milo panas. hubby had his sahur earlier round 2am. alhamdullillah selamat sampai time bebuka. then we went for berbuka together at klang lame area. we had nyum! nyum! nasi + tomyam + ayam kunyit + telor bistik and air manis. so yummy n full. balik tu haa.. siap.. apa ni.. aduish! yangg..help me! hehehe... anyway alhamdulillah.


we dh re-confirm and re-book + re-schedule our honeymoon. we bring forward our 6 days earlier. that means after my house's ceremony. then we will go. alhamdulillah.

oklah nak gi lunch kat seven. ngan kak jee. chiow!

Welcome Bulan Rejab

Pada 24 Jun 2009 (Rabu) kita memasuki bulan Rejab. Bulan Rejab adalah bulan Allah swt. Let’s overview ada apa di sebalik bulan Rejab itu.
Diriwayatkan bahwa Rasulullah saw telah bersabda, "Ketahuilah bahwa bln Rejab itu adalah bulan ALLAH swt, maka:"

1. Barang siapa yang berpuasa 1 hari dalam bulan ini dengan ikhlas, maka pasti ia mendapat keredhaan yang besar dari ALLAH swt

2. Dan barang siapa berpuasa pada tanggal 27 Rejab /Isra Mi'raj (Isnin, 20 Julai 2009) akan mendapat pahala seperti 5 tahun berpuasa

3. Barang siapa yang berpuasa 2 hari di bulan Rejab akan mendapat kemuliaan di sisi ALLAH swt

4.. Barang siapa yang berpuasa 3 hari yaitu pada tanggal 1, 2, dan 3 Rejab (24, 25, 26 Jun 2009) maka ALLAH swt akan memberikan pahala seperti 900 tahun berpuasa dan menyelamatkannya dari bahaya dunia dan seksa akhirat

5. Barang siapa berpuasa 5 hari dalam bulan ini, insyaallah permintaannya akan dimakbulkan Allah swt..InsyaAllah

6. Barang siapa berpuasa 7 hari dalam bulan ini, maka ditutupkan 7 pintu neraka Jahanam dan barang siapa berpuasa lapan hari maka akan dibukakan 8 pintu syurga

7. Barang siapa berpuasa 15 hari dalam bulan ini, maka ALLAH swt akan mengampuni dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu dan menggantikan kesemua kejahatannya dengan kebaikan, dan barang siapa yang menambah (hari-hari
puasa) maka ALLAH swt akan menambahkan pahalanya."

Sabda Rasulullah saw lagi :"Pada malam Mi'raj, saya melihat sebuah sungai yang airnya lebih manis dari madu, lebih sejuk dari air batu dan lebih harum dari minyak wan gi, lalu saya bertanya pada Jibril as "Wahai Jibril untuk siapakah sungai ini?"

Maka berkata Jibrilb as "Ya Muhammad sungai ini adalah untuk orang yang membaca selawat untuk engkau dibulan Rejab i ni."

Dalam sebuah riwayat Tsauban bercerita :"Ketika kami berjalan bersama-sama Rasulullah saw ke sebuah kubur, lalu Rasulullah saw berhenti dan beliau menangis dengan amat sedih, kemudian beliau berdoa kepada ALLAH swt. Lalu saya bertanya kepada beliau "Ya Rasulullah, mengapakah engkau menangis?"
Lalu beliau bersabda "Wahai Tsauban, mereka itu sedang diseksa dalam kuburnya dan saya berdoa kepada ALLAH swt, lalu ALLAH swt meringankan atas mereka."

Sabda beliau lagi "Wahai Tsauban, kalaulah sekiranya mereka ini mahu berpuasa satu hari dan beribadah satu malam saja di bulan Rejab nescaya mereka tidak akan disiksa di dalam kubur." Tsauban bertanya "Ya Rasulullah, apakah hanya berpuasa satu hari dan beribadah satu malam dalam bulan Rejab sudah dapat mengelakkan dari seksa kubur?"

Sabda beliau "Wahai Tsauban, demi ALLAH Zat yang telah mengutus saya sebagai nabi, tiada seorang muslim lelaki dan perempuan yang berpuasa satu hari dan mengerjakan so lat malam sekali dalam bulan Rejab dengan niat karena ALLAH swt, kecuali ALLAH swt mencatatkan baginya seperti berpuasa satu tahun dan mengerjakan so lat malam satu tahun."

Monday, June 22, 2009

green monday

hahaha... kenape i said green monday not like usual it is bcoz today i am wearing a green shirt. hahaha.. dh lame tak pkai baju ni. but it fits a bit. i tot i am kurus but takkan la baju i fit. oohh maybe that my ***** are big that's y la sendat sket kat area situ. hehe.. just called my fiancee. how i missed him badly. his mum has already spoken which she said no more night outings for us. but for my mum no more outings with both of us. maybe few more people will do. but how nnt mish busyuk i sorang ni. tapi thinking logically lagi round 45 days then he is mine so it's okaylah. i am so damn nervous la. mcm tak tentu arah. told mum bout my feelings. n she said tu biase la semua org nak kawin akan rasa macam tu. haa.. how? but i am enjoying these moments and feelings. rasa sangat2 special. i repeat SPECIAL. bout preparation alhamdulillah tggal sket sket je lagi. lain2 tu kena wait until the day comes la.

*la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la* dunno y i am like this. but i am happy. thanx yang!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

a 2-hours session at spa

yoohoo! best giler. today i went for spa session. after browsing and surfing thru net, i managed to find one which is in my home area. not far. just around 10mins drive. at first wanted to go with sis but she seems to be bz with her house moving so i went alone. at first i was like a bit scary la coz it is my first time but i managed to turn the negative thoughts into positive. and I LIKE IT SO MUCH! the spa was called Serenity Spa. It was raining before i went but when i reached there, it stops. the therapist name cath attended to me when i came in to the main door. she straight away saying my name when i enter coz i made an appointment before i came. well, at first i need to keep all the valuables in the locker. then time to change to a sarong provided with disposable panties and shower cap. without wearing anything inside except the d.p. i was feeling a bit shy and nervous. but it doesn't take me long to make myself comfortable. maybe bcoz of the soothing smell, sound n lighting. ohh.. forgot to tell the spa's theme was basically purple. so there i go.. starting with a javanese massage for a bout 40 mins before doing the scrub. telling you she massage the whole body include tummy and butt.she also did some picit-picit on my face from forehead to my chin. maybe it is good for blood circulation. hahaha..so shy.. when ever i have to turn either turtle back or the other way round, she will cover her face with the kain. so i can turn then she covers me with the sarong i had earlier. feeling so syok that i felt asleep for bout 15 minutes before she told me to turn myself. then scrubbing using lulur. she asked me first whether i want to use coffee or salt for scrub but i prefer to go with lulur. it feels rough on skin. something like u put the wet sand on ur skin then u rub it. as usual the lulur was put on the whole body include butt then shower before bilas badan with mandi susu in hot water tub. mmm..so yummy.. terasa sangat floating dn relief. masa dlm tub tu..i berpusing2. timbul tenggelam. best giler.. aahh...jakun nye aku! nway enjoying myself there. around 7pm session dh habis. well, on the first time visitor i would like to say syokk..thumb up! thanx..maybe there'll be the next session but dunno when.. hehehe.. this is the room where i got my treatment..

Friday, June 19, 2009

it is 19 jun 09

it is 19 jun and left 49 days b4 my marriage. basically today related to figure "9" yah. hahaha... today i reached home pretty early ie 6.30pm. done my asar prayer. later will go n mandi before performing my maghrib prayer. my tummy wasnt feeling right. was looking for vitagen but it has already finished. guess tomoro i'll be looking for it la.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

kenyang tp tgh takde mood sket

hey! just had my lunch with rice+chicken+potato. i had flu this morning. hopefully it is getting better towards evening. y i takde mood? dunno la. since semalam. my thought was that i dh lame tak jupe dearest fiancee plus knowing the facts that he'll be on duty for this weekend. meaning i will only get to see him next week. nvm, looking at the days TODAY IS OFFICIALLY 50 DAYS LEFT. that makes me more nervous and so damn nervous. anyway, hubby also feeling down. he got no mood with his work today. i wonder why. hopefully he can find something to light him up later.


hopefully i can sleep..

Monday, June 15, 2009


rindu sayang i so much!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

~ love of my life ~

so green

d ladang teh at cameron. nice view eh!


yahoo finally i geram sangat dapatlah akhirnye transfer pictures2 yang dlm fon i tu ke dalam pc. n towards the last 10 pics it cant be transferred. so i clicked at the skip button unlike last time where i click transfer again. well it is better rather than none at all. so i am damn syok. another syiok thing you know my index lest finger which was hurt n injured 2 weeks ago, well today die telah dengan sendirinye terkopek. rasa sedikit ngilu tapi jari i dh comel balik. so lps ni kena sapu losyen banyak2 balik so my hands will be soft amd gentle coz hubby likes to hold my hand. hehehe.. =) today also i break my promises. gosh at 54 more days. i felt damn guilty. dh la takmo lagi camtu. enuf is enuf. btw we already confirmed on our honeymoon. so maybe tomoro i will check out the pricing n costing again. oklah.. nak browse some pictures then nak post and upload. gud nite.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


~ a blank post with a blank title ~

Thursday, June 11, 2009


cutting n pasting these words from the web. the bolded words meaning that i should let myself cool as i believe that towards the end, it will be a happy ending for me. =)

aku mengenal dikautlah cukup lama separuh usiaku namun begitu banyak pelajaran yang aku terima kau membuatku mengerti hidup ini kita terlahir bagai selembar kertas putih tinggal ku lukis dengan tinta pesan damai
dan terwujud harmoni
segala kebaikan takkan terhapus oleh kepahitan ku lapangkan resah jiwa karna ku percaya kan berujung indah
harmoni, harmoni, harmoni
browsing some kad kawin websites while downloading certain songs while watching tv while playing text twist while talking to mum. so many whiles.. *ahaks* so gediks nye i. well, fiancee went for futsal at subang. hope he is doing fine. sumtimes looking at him, ade time yg i tak paham die tau tapi i terima die seadanye coz _/_ _ _ _/ _ _ _ hehe.. i mean i tak paham means bile la die ni nak rest. tak penat ke badan tu. satu hari keje petang ke malam sports pastu balik nak wat design lagi then tido lambat round 3 or 4 before he actually sleeps and then wakes up again at 6 the next day. kalo i dah ting tong tak larat. baby rindu i tak?

* * * * *

i dunno wat to say more to ofis. hate it to the max today. so hypocrites. menyampah la. i ni skang kat ofis sbb menyampah tak ckp pun ngan org tu unless work related. pastu kan hiisshhh geram je sangat. dah la malas nak layan. buang masa je. ni patutnye nak gi makan tapi tak pegi lagi. malas dan malas nak pegi. nak makan ape pun tak tau. k ar chiow!


wat will u feel if the belongings u thought r fully urs, doesnt belongs to u at all, shared with somebody else or u thought is urs but actually is not. meaning u sorang2 perasan it is urs.

57 days left

hoohoo! 57 days left. the combination of my fav and fiancee's fav no.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

less than sixty days

well a new vibe that i am feeling currently as my wedding is less than 60 days already. omigod.. i am so damn nervous aite now. how? hehehe... yesterday accompanied dear fiancee to get his nikah's baju melayu which is already ready to collect and when he puts them on WOW! superb. so segak n handsomely dressed. cantiknye tunang aku ni. dh nak kawin die ni rupenye. e'eh kalo die nak kawin meaning i pun nak kawin skali la. hmm... =)

Sunday, June 7, 2009


my honeymoon package and mode of travelling have been sucessfully booked. i will share when i will actually going to that place. at the moment let it be a secret in my heart. i am actually smiling and also happy looking at my fiancee smiling as our worriedness has been settled. well, the truth is i am happy. truly. hatiku berbunga2 ni. syok pun ade. thnx yang!! lov u alwiz.

home alone

i was home alone now n at the same time watching home alone 2. wat a long of time. parent went to sent bro to motivation camp at n9. another bro went for photo shooting. tak habis2 photo shooting. hope he's doing fine with it. so here am i just took my bath. pretty hot so i took bath without water heater coz feeling of coldness is so syiok felt like wanting to go to bed and sleep again provided it is cold all the way thru evening. i cant think of wat to eat for breakfast or should i say brunch. i'm pretty blur. thought of not eating anything at the moment yet until i feel hungry.

i felt quite long to reach weekend this time as my fiancee went for a 3 days course at sheraton. not only that, he is busy with work schedule through out the whole week which seems to me like =( i cant really get hold of him. call no one is answering. sms no replies. i guess i have to bear with the situation coz seeing him working, he is more of a workaholic person because when he is assigned with any task he will be doing it to the satisfactory level not just for himself but to other people as well. this quality in him is good but sometimes bile tengok kesian tau. tido pun tak tentu time. lambat. then badan cepat rasa letih. coz takde enuf time to rest n sleep. hope he will feel great and be at the best of his health today, tomorrow and alwiz.

yesterday already sent my baju nikah to tailor. sumwhere in mid july i will call the auntie to ask whether the kain dah siap ke belum. tu la delay delay lagi. tggl lagi 2 bulan baru nak kelam kabut. ape2 pun alhamdulillah. skang tinggal yang lain2 je la. that day i dh draft my map. hopefully it is readable la. thanx to fiancee for wanting to edit the map i did. hehehe.. tapi being not so artistic person, it is quite annoying doing designs if to compare myself doing recons which i like. even though not tally but the satisfaction is there. haha..myself will always be with numbers. another stori of yesterday, both of us were sad as the blissful package we wanted to go for our honeymoon is no longer there advertise on the website. dissapointment shows on our faces. hhmm.. a bit difficult to take off that face even if we tried to. btw, fiancee said it's ok wherever we go as long as he is with me. well, logically yes.. i agree with that. as long as he is with me wherever he is there i will be. besides him. hugging and comforting him as that's wat my mr fiancee likes. just the two of us. u know wat talking bout my fiancee. die sebenarnye tersangatlah manja orangnye. i think lagi manja dari i. suke slalu nk kena belai. anywhere and evrywhere. u see when i belai die kan, muka die tu will smile so hugely meaning he is soooooooooo comfortable with that and how happy he is at that time. semalam lepak at his house, looking at him sleeping "ohh shweetnye hubbyku.. tgh tido" nak cium leh tak? hehehe... so relaxing. let him sleep then i gosok baju. yesterday boleh la gosok baju die sket2. tak le se 100% like his mum's tapi did my very best already. =) hehehe.. anyway congrats to amir n baiti for their wedding yesterday. we went to baiti's house. they look so king n queen of the day. so chantek la. pastu serap was like eh terasa nak kawin sekali lagi. tapi dgn orang yang same la. the feelings that he said was like syioknye.. amir semalam satu lafaz je. they usik hubby nko nnt brape kali. when i said i want to use mic, he was like eh jangan.. kalo nak tgk i nervous gune la mic. ale syian die. takyah la mic k yang. nnt time reception baru ade mic. hehe..chommel. nak kapuk..

**mmuuaahh* **mmuuaahh** okaylah.. nak pkai baju ni. kjap lagi hubby nak amik gi jalan2. jalan2 ape nye. nak tgk bunga telur la. dh postpone since 2 weeks ago. pastu nak gi umah baiti balik. congrats again. hati ku berbunga2 la skang. lagi brape hari nk kawin ni? 61 days? omigod.. time running so fast meh? ohhh.. i'm floating and flying. *wink*wink*

Thursday, June 4, 2009

moody tak tentu pasal

wat's wrong with me baby.. i ni dari pagi tadi moody. kelam kabut. risau tak tentu pasal. hhmm... kno y? this morning i woke up looking at calender. it is already 4th june. my wedding is just around the corner. i felt like many more things tak siap ok. tapi pagi tadi my fiancee was like saying actually kite ni consider awal tau if to compare ngan orang lain. takpela. balik nanti i nak tgk my wedding book to confirm the outstanding things. ie to look at the milestone. bout 15 minutes ago, fiancee told me that he cant take leave on 18/8 the day we planned to go for our honeymoon. hmm.. i moody balik. bile pk then i ckp kat die, takpela we just cancel n go some other time. nak wat camne. keje and responsibility. i just cried. hhmm.. ape la i ni. the main thing is i dah kawin. btul tak. honeymoon tu bile2 boley la pegi...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

2nd day of the month

wow! time ticking so fast which shows that we are already stepping into half of the YEAR 2009. meaning i have approximately 65 days b4 my marriage. a lot of things need to be done. well, i was so shocking that i felt like butterflies in my tummy. i takut. earlier had lunch with close fren aka miss mus. dah lame tak jumpe die. well.. catching many things up. in life as a grown 26 years old. hahaha..dah tua dh aku nie.. hehehe..
darling is having 3 days conference at sheraton subang. sian die bz. hopefully he is doing fine now. miss him already. nk kapuk u.