Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 29, 2009

hhmm.. what a thought

i dunno wat to say coz i am really blur today. my mind is at ease today. keep on praying to him and insya-Allah it will do. i agree that i am tensed with wedding preparation. [who doesn't? say so] not just that basically, it includes life after marriage, financial n lots more. u know when i was sitting alone.. especially journey to and from ofis, i was wondering how can i improve myself to be a quality person. yes quality means a lot of things in respect of God, parents, siblings, families, partner and people around. sometimes i rasa cam i ni sooo damn useless. tapi tak elok kan pk camtu. God created everyone with full of specialties. each one of the human beings. yes in that case we need to appreciate what HE gave to us.
talking bout appreciation, i think that many people have told me that i ni the type of ppl that would not appreciate things. i ni dh besar. can't i think out of the box. well, i guess i have to be more careful with what i wanted to say coz words and actions can't be rewind. videos and songs yes they can. before i lose anything that i love in this wide world, i should always remember to appreciate things. especially to my PARTNER aka MY FUTURE HUSBAND aka MY FIANCEE aka MUHAMAD FAIZ MARICAN BIN MUBARAK. bcoz i personally thinks that how he were to control his angerness n madness towards me whenever i derespect him.

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