Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 22, 2009

green monday

hahaha... kenape i said green monday not like usual it is bcoz today i am wearing a green shirt. hahaha.. dh lame tak pkai baju ni. but it fits a bit. i tot i am kurus but takkan la baju i fit. oohh maybe that my ***** are big that's y la sendat sket kat area situ. hehe.. just called my fiancee. how i missed him badly. his mum has already spoken which she said no more night outings for us. but for my mum no more outings with both of us. maybe few more people will do. but how nnt mish busyuk i sorang ni. tapi thinking logically lagi round 45 days then he is mine so it's okaylah. i am so damn nervous la. mcm tak tentu arah. told mum bout my feelings. n she said tu biase la semua org nak kawin akan rasa macam tu. haa.. how? but i am enjoying these moments and feelings. rasa sangat2 special. i repeat SPECIAL. bout preparation alhamdulillah tggal sket sket je lagi. lain2 tu kena wait until the day comes la.

*la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la* dunno y i am like this. but i am happy. thanx yang!

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