Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, June 28, 2009


muahahahahahahahaha!! happynye myself sebab dh tengok transformers. movie yang ditunggu2 basically oleh semua orang. almost 2 years la after the previous one. i really enjoyed the movie. we went four of us. fiancee bought the tix for us the nite before and at first he said 10.45am but the fact is it is at 11.30am. i woke up pretty early coz i had a whole nite before to myself. i was so damn bloody sleepy *whoops* sowee.. then i slept around 10pm. didn't even eat dinner or drink milo. juz had teh-o n toast bread earlier at kopitiam. well... did some cleaning up before i went out. first to go n change my car light bulb. it was already blown up. it costs me 20 bucks. but nvm, i kan suke worried worried benda kecik2 ni. so better i tuka so dah takde nk risau ape2 lagi.

back to the movie.. wow! awesome! best! tapi last2 kan bile tgk yang jahat tu mesti ade sambungan die lagi. biase le sequel sequel ni. mesti ade new character. tapi masa optimus nak mati tu i cam sedey sket k.. pastu lagi sedey bile sumer org ingat sam dah mati.. pastu ade part bongok sket masa sam tgh mati tu die jumpe primes yang lain2 cam tuhan plak.. pastu dan2 terbatuk n die pun alive. hahaha... =)

back from the movie, i had dinner at fiancee's house. ade ayam masak kicap n sambal tumis udang. yummy! kenyang. i bertambah. malu je. bile ingat mum penah pesan kat umah orang jangan makan macam tak penah jumpe nasi. pastu kan i dunno y sampai skang i segan bile lepak umah my fiancee ni. dh nk kawin pun. ntahla... feelings tu mmg ade. bile i ckp i segan then he would say alah.. ape nak segan..ngade2 je i ni. hhmm.. tuhan je yang tau feelings i time tu. pastu lepas makan gi teman mum die g tengok umah anne. the house cantik tau. pastu tgk interior die lagi la wow! i suke.. nnt kalo ade $$ boleh buat kat umah sendiri. hehe..if allowed by husband la kan.. kan..kan..

pastu petang gi centro.. tgk warehouse sale. takde la banyak sangat yang sale. pastu takde sangat keinginan nak beli tu semua. mind tgh pening nak setel kan barang2 wedding. pastu lps maghrib.. fiancee brought me to jalan taiping. i already bought the kotak n ribbons. cantik tau. color merah.. well i will upload it at below. masa tgh otw back tu.. we cam ckp sambil cam marah2. ye la.. sape tak worried ngan wedding preparation kn. hubby said not to worry. oklah i will try not to. sorry la i ni banyak buat u pening kepala. sometimes rasa nak lari duk jauh2 from him biar takyah susahkan die. hhmm...haa tgk tgk dh emo. ntah pape la. nway here are some photos..

b4 ribbon with ribbon fruits

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