Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, June 14, 2009


yahoo finally i geram sangat dapatlah akhirnye transfer pictures2 yang dlm fon i tu ke dalam pc. n towards the last 10 pics it cant be transferred. so i clicked at the skip button unlike last time where i click transfer again. well it is better rather than none at all. so i am damn syok. another syiok thing you know my index lest finger which was hurt n injured 2 weeks ago, well today die telah dengan sendirinye terkopek. rasa sedikit ngilu tapi jari i dh comel balik. so lps ni kena sapu losyen banyak2 balik so my hands will be soft amd gentle coz hubby likes to hold my hand. hehehe.. =) today also i break my promises. gosh at 54 more days. i felt damn guilty. dh la takmo lagi camtu. enuf is enuf. btw we already confirmed on our honeymoon. so maybe tomoro i will check out the pricing n costing again. oklah.. nak browse some pictures then nak post and upload. gud nite.

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