Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, June 7, 2009

home alone

i was home alone now n at the same time watching home alone 2. wat a long of time. parent went to sent bro to motivation camp at n9. another bro went for photo shooting. tak habis2 photo shooting. hope he's doing fine with it. so here am i just took my bath. pretty hot so i took bath without water heater coz feeling of coldness is so syiok felt like wanting to go to bed and sleep again provided it is cold all the way thru evening. i cant think of wat to eat for breakfast or should i say brunch. i'm pretty blur. thought of not eating anything at the moment yet until i feel hungry.

i felt quite long to reach weekend this time as my fiancee went for a 3 days course at sheraton. not only that, he is busy with work schedule through out the whole week which seems to me like =( i cant really get hold of him. call no one is answering. sms no replies. i guess i have to bear with the situation coz seeing him working, he is more of a workaholic person because when he is assigned with any task he will be doing it to the satisfactory level not just for himself but to other people as well. this quality in him is good but sometimes bile tengok kesian tau. tido pun tak tentu time. lambat. then badan cepat rasa letih. coz takde enuf time to rest n sleep. hope he will feel great and be at the best of his health today, tomorrow and alwiz.

yesterday already sent my baju nikah to tailor. sumwhere in mid july i will call the auntie to ask whether the kain dah siap ke belum. tu la delay delay lagi. tggl lagi 2 bulan baru nak kelam kabut. ape2 pun alhamdulillah. skang tinggal yang lain2 je la. that day i dh draft my map. hopefully it is readable la. thanx to fiancee for wanting to edit the map i did. hehehe.. tapi being not so artistic person, it is quite annoying doing designs if to compare myself doing recons which i like. even though not tally but the satisfaction is there. haha..myself will always be with numbers. another stori of yesterday, both of us were sad as the blissful package we wanted to go for our honeymoon is no longer there advertise on the website. dissapointment shows on our faces. hhmm.. a bit difficult to take off that face even if we tried to. btw, fiancee said it's ok wherever we go as long as he is with me. well, logically yes.. i agree with that. as long as he is with me wherever he is there i will be. besides him. hugging and comforting him as that's wat my mr fiancee likes. just the two of us. u know wat talking bout my fiancee. die sebenarnye tersangatlah manja orangnye. i think lagi manja dari i. suke slalu nk kena belai. anywhere and evrywhere. u see when i belai die kan, muka die tu will smile so hugely meaning he is soooooooooo comfortable with that and how happy he is at that time. semalam lepak at his house, looking at him sleeping "ohh shweetnye hubbyku.. tgh tido" nak cium leh tak? hehehe... so relaxing. let him sleep then i gosok baju. yesterday boleh la gosok baju die sket2. tak le se 100% like his mum's tapi did my very best already. =) hehehe.. anyway congrats to amir n baiti for their wedding yesterday. we went to baiti's house. they look so king n queen of the day. so chantek la. pastu serap was like eh terasa nak kawin sekali lagi. tapi dgn orang yang same la. the feelings that he said was like syioknye.. amir semalam satu lafaz je. they usik hubby nko nnt brape kali. when i said i want to use mic, he was like eh jangan.. kalo nak tgk i nervous gune la mic. ale syian die. takyah la mic k yang. nnt time reception baru ade mic. hehe..chommel. nak kapuk..

**mmuuaahh* **mmuuaahh** okaylah.. nak pkai baju ni. kjap lagi hubby nak amik gi jalan2. jalan2 ape nye. nak tgk bunga telur la. dh postpone since 2 weeks ago. pastu nak gi umah baiti balik. congrats again. hati ku berbunga2 la skang. lagi brape hari nk kawin ni? 61 days? omigod.. time running so fast meh? ohhh.. i'm floating and flying. *wink*wink*

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