Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, June 4, 2009

moody tak tentu pasal

wat's wrong with me baby.. i ni dari pagi tadi moody. kelam kabut. risau tak tentu pasal. hhmm... kno y? this morning i woke up looking at calender. it is already 4th june. my wedding is just around the corner. i felt like many more things tak siap ok. tapi pagi tadi my fiancee was like saying actually kite ni consider awal tau if to compare ngan orang lain. takpela. balik nanti i nak tgk my wedding book to confirm the outstanding things. ie to look at the milestone. bout 15 minutes ago, fiancee told me that he cant take leave on 18/8 the day we planned to go for our honeymoon. hmm.. i moody balik. bile pk then i ckp kat die, takpela we just cancel n go some other time. nak wat camne. keje and responsibility. i just cried. hhmm.. ape la i ni. the main thing is i dah kawin. btul tak. honeymoon tu bile2 boley la pegi...

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