Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, June 21, 2009

a 2-hours session at spa

yoohoo! best giler. today i went for spa session. after browsing and surfing thru net, i managed to find one which is in my home area. not far. just around 10mins drive. at first wanted to go with sis but she seems to be bz with her house moving so i went alone. at first i was like a bit scary la coz it is my first time but i managed to turn the negative thoughts into positive. and I LIKE IT SO MUCH! the spa was called Serenity Spa. It was raining before i went but when i reached there, it stops. the therapist name cath attended to me when i came in to the main door. she straight away saying my name when i enter coz i made an appointment before i came. well, at first i need to keep all the valuables in the locker. then time to change to a sarong provided with disposable panties and shower cap. without wearing anything inside except the d.p. i was feeling a bit shy and nervous. but it doesn't take me long to make myself comfortable. maybe bcoz of the soothing smell, sound n lighting. ohh.. forgot to tell the spa's theme was basically purple. so there i go.. starting with a javanese massage for a bout 40 mins before doing the scrub. telling you she massage the whole body include tummy and butt.she also did some picit-picit on my face from forehead to my chin. maybe it is good for blood circulation. hahaha..so shy.. when ever i have to turn either turtle back or the other way round, she will cover her face with the kain. so i can turn then she covers me with the sarong i had earlier. feeling so syok that i felt asleep for bout 15 minutes before she told me to turn myself. then scrubbing using lulur. she asked me first whether i want to use coffee or salt for scrub but i prefer to go with lulur. it feels rough on skin. something like u put the wet sand on ur skin then u rub it. as usual the lulur was put on the whole body include butt then shower before bilas badan with mandi susu in hot water tub. mmm..so yummy.. terasa sangat floating dn relief. masa dlm tub tu..i berpusing2. timbul tenggelam. best giler.. aahh...jakun nye aku! nway enjoying myself there. around 7pm session dh habis. well, on the first time visitor i would like to say syokk..thumb up! thanx..maybe there'll be the next session but dunno when.. hehehe.. this is the room where i got my treatment..

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