Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, July 30, 2009

few things settled

amongst in my list are inai, kadi n pengapit. distribution of the cards are stil going on. sending and circulating it around to friends and families. then, yesterday when i was to confirm the inai the girl called me and say she cant do the inai service for me. was a bit dissapointed but lucky as she informed me in advance. so after work went straight there to alam sentral based on info from fren. so round2 n i found one shop that is providing the service. so i went thru the catalogues and the pics as well. not bad. the price was ok. both hands feet and bonjot kat jari tu she charged me rm160 which is within my budget la. anyway it is also in my area which i assumed will not have any transportation cost. well i made a booking by paying a deposit. then, balik umah. at the gate dad was smoking. then he said he called the jurunikah. so it is also confirmed. alhamdulillah. dad said he will come to our house but maybe later dad will confirm again whether to fetch him or how la. ohh gosshh! butterflies in tummy. so damn nervous. these few days i ade sket appetite problem. lapar tapi taknak makan. how is that? but i forced myself sbb tak nak sakit. whoosshH! i am now wanting to do the signboards for labelling. hehe.. oklah now i am full coz i ate rice+fish+cauliflower. yummy! fiance was pretty busy with work. i call pun tak angkat. i sms pun tak reply. hhmm.. hope he is doing great over there.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

counting days

hahahaha.. left like wat. ard 10 more days. gosh! suddenly so many things flashing back in my mind. i just felt like crying. i am getting married to this guy which i've known for almost 10 years. from the 1st day how we met. where is our 1st date, the food we ate on the 1st date, the clothes we were on the 1st date, the nervous and worriedness we felt on the 1st date, the moment we sat at the bench talking on the paper instead of spitting it out. the magic words that i wanted to hear from him were than frequent said in our daily conversation. from the moment on we were a couple until now. yes we broke-up about 10 days. that time was like hell ok. my life was upside down. my work is not doing great. things have changed. gosh! i took it as a lesson for me in mylife in order for me to become more matured. jealousy is always around. but i must keep saying to myself that he loves me day & night without fail. alhamdulillah it feels better. and also when i asked things that were in my head i also felt relief.
ohh.. i got so many things to be shared in my blog. more things on wat we've gone thru in these solid 9 years. from tears to anger to happy to missing to hates to jealousness to madness to groovy to sexy to feel belonging and to many many more things. but truely madly deeply saying that he is mine and only mine. and i am his only himself.
may our marriage diberkati dan dilimpahi nikmat dan kurniaan Ilahi.
enuf on emotionally touching at the moment. i got updates to share bout the preparation. cards mostly are distributed. umah dh hbs cat. tggl nk kemas totally umah. nk kilat2 perabot. nk sapu nk mop nk vacuum. aarrgghh.. i dont feel like working anymore. feels like going to holiday already. how? hehe..

Monday, July 27, 2009

kisah si tunang mencari tunangnye yg hilang

yesterday we went to the curve.to get me a nighty.wow!so sexy.we were suppose 2 go ther earlier tp fiance's family came so teman la kejap.ard 6 we gerak setelah satu hari yg masam dh peluh..hehe..so sambung cite.dh msuk metro we separated.i kt tmpt nighty.he went to man's side.then i nk call him skali tgk2 cr2 fon takde.mayb dlm keta.so decided 2 setel kn br nk call fiance.rupe2nye die dh call i bnyk2 kali n dh round tmpt 2 4 kali.cr2 x jpe.then die dh peluh2.sian die.at last nmpk i trus tarik my hand.then dush..satu puk sggh di bdn sbb buat die worried.sori.i tak hilang k.i ade next 2 u.love u!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


i went for a hair-do yesterday. colored and treatment them. i like it. the feelings of my head being light and clean and fresh. syokk.. plus it is sooo wangi. sometimes wonder cant i have the wangi smell of hair from salon forever. i think the answer is yes provided you get all the stuff from the shop but knowing me malas kengkadang mengatasi segalanye. haha.. tapi i was thinking yesterday. once i am married i want to look good for my husband. so i kena maintain n take a good care of myself. appearance must be nice. hair maybe 3 months or 6 months changed to a different style. wow! nak satisfied kan man's desire ni rupenye mencabar ek. banyak benda nk kena tengok kat diri sendiri. in all aspects. nnt kalo tak mula la.. man ni gatal kan. back to wedding preparation.

1) wedding card otw to sending
2) kompang confirm
3) photographer confirm
4) door gift bags confirm
5) mak andam confirm
6) tggal yg sket2 je lagi [include budget]

Friday, July 24, 2009

one week's stories

a week has gone and lemme recap what i have done this whole week.

monday -> went to work as normal. was stuck in a very heavy traffic jam. i reached ofis around 930am. fushh.. gile ape pagi2 jam mcm ni coz as far as i remembered, i went out early from home k. it was like jam through out the whole federal until i reached mid valley. menyampah and bosan. i drove sis's car coz the car i've been driving all this while exchange with dad. he went outstation so he took the car. done with work..that day i remembered wat i had for lunch. nasi with ikan masak asam pedas. yummy k. n taste so good. but a lil bit hot. balik quite late la. ard 6.30pm then off to no where. clean up clean up time to go to bed.

tuesday -> i got training at menara. f.husband sent me to lrt station. he fetch me at home before we went for breakfast. i got snap snap his photo. he looked so sad and many probs. sumtimes wonder wat is in his head. he looked so heavy. hope he is telling me wat he felt inside coz yang i am here to support u and listen to all ur sorrows coz i love u damn much! then i lepak at our house gonna be b4 fetching him to balik. he needed to finish up his sukan closing. he is doing the mascot of his team called 'transformation' here's a photo it. gempak and giler creative mamat mamat ni buat keje die. hehehe..

wednesday -> was supposed to write ups on my invitation cards but i was so damn sleepy after a short kidnapped session with hubby. we had a new secret recipe cake called pecan butterschoth. wow! damn yummy and soooooooo creamy. full by the time i got home. hugs n kisses to hubby. XOXOXO hehehe. thanx yang. diela kata nak balik umah trus pastu tetibe call ckp u turun i dh kat bawah ni. i pun surprised la kan. bcoz b4 that i got ask him takde surprise tonite rite. tapi knowing my fiance ni. from the beginning i knew him, he is full of surprises from me having theories lesson on cars at kapar, giving me bday presents by hiding it by the side of the car's door, appearing infront of my house while b4 that he said he is at segamat [it is juz to meet and see his lovely gf ;)] then wat else. surprised me by sending me to airport b4 i fly, giving me raya card by putting it in the post box then says got santa tuah send me a card. plus card that he gave my by pulling down my shade in the car and lots lots more. i am really happy and glad n thankful. yang..yang.. y did u do all this to me?

thursday -> hhmm... got lots of work. then makan2 at nasi ayam shop before i starting distributing my invitation cards. wah.. the feelings i tell u. so nervous. gementar babe. takut giler. sampai tangan pun shaking. so far masa i bagi invitation ni, sumer orang ckp cantik, unique, pelik. hehe.. n later at nite i siapkan kad yang nak bagi kat ofismates lain plak.

friday -> last working day of the week. i pagi tak bnyk keje sgt. malas yang ye nye. pastu decided to distribute summore cards. hmmm...feelings tu stil ade. nervous. tapi dh kurang. hari ni panas sket. feel like burning otw home. then sampai umah rest kejap before gi post ofis and teman mama gi send some wedding cards to other people. ohh.. i am suppose to publish a copy of my card aite. well... will do so shortly. balik tu gi dating kejap. pk pk tinggal lagi brape hari yang? 14 days kan. hehehe...hahaha..mcm mcm la i rasa sekarang ni.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

less no of days but now i got few ques to ask

r u ready for it? hhmm... i'm getting married soon. bout 20 more days. sekejap rasa cam dh ready sekejap rasa cam blum ready. to be true yes i do feel scared. nervous yes of course. blur n lost yes. scared. dunno y but hopefully the scared will be gone when i'm marrie. guess so with the condition of living.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


yaay! happynyer saye.. yaay! yaay!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

23 days

makes me feel so nervous

makes me feel speechless

makes me feel warmth

makes me feel blushed

makes me feel thunder and butterflies in tummy

makes me feel so many things that i haven't feel before [even when i'm sitting for exam]

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

for my dearest dear

last saturday i was pissed off so madly coz he lied to me. but when he spoke and explain wat is he going thru and how the things happenned.. he's stuck. stuck with numerous questions in his head. stuck with full mode of revenging. stuck with the regretted feelings as well as hates. he cried and tears were seen flowing down from his eyes. he is so sad at that time. my feelings that time is so undescribable. i dont like seeing him crying in front of me. if he were to cry than if it is for good things i wouldnt mind. i hugged and kissed him. telling him i love him so much. i wiped away his tears and i remembered how he cried that nite and from the moment on..i kept saying to myself to take care of myself, my pride & dignity. i've told him that i've changed. i want to built my life with him. that is my promise. i myself cried of wat i did attacking his heart and mind and damaging the plant of love that we have built for many years. yes truely i have learnt my lesson here. no messing around with heart, respects and appreciations is so much needed in relationship. i was lucky and happy to have him with me in second chance and we grabbed this chance by engaging a year ago. in few days time, we will be getting married to each other. wow! i cant imagine how's the feelings but it is so sweet and happy.
faiz--> the first time i met him i wasnt really sure whether is he going to like me or not coz i have mentioned in my emails if you dont like me anymore then dont email me after we seeing each other. well, he did emailed. in fact on our first date he kept quite for most of the time. he is nervous and i can tell when i wanted to hold his hand. they are sweaty. but that doesnt bother me. i started to like him everyday and each day. trying to get to know him better. whenever we argued on sumthing, i will say that i dont want to talk to him. dont want to sms him. dont want to see his face. but when i do that i cant. his face keep on appearing in my mind. his smile is so sweet eventhough he is the serious looking guy and he is so manja. n that makes me love him so much. he is full of surprises. sumtimes i do feel like eh whenever he is with frens he'll be so friendly and talk a lot but when he is with me he'll be quite. when i asked he'll say that is the real me. i'm comfortable with my partner and when i'm with her i wil rest.
to you my dearest fiance, i dedicate my life fully for u and our future children. please guide me thru the right path with God's blessings. insya-Allah i wil also take care myself juz for u. love u so much. n nothing can describe you.

Monday, July 13, 2009

rindu syg i

i miss u badly yang.. i cannot be separated from you anymore. i know it is only 4 days and now left more days but i felt like it is sooo long. hmm.. takpela.. i have to think positive. after this i will be with him day n night. i miss him so much! love u!

wasn't feeling right

i'm having mild flu, slightly fever with sore throat. on mc today. went to see the doctor earlier in the morning. well, dearest fiance already flew to bandung. wishing him to have fun there. i know he is missing me here and i do miss him too. takpe lagi 3 days je then he's back. well wedding is just around the corner. mattress already sent to home. the bags for kuih bahulu already been ready. paid deposit of photographer. confirmed the kompang. hmm..wat else. wow i cant describe the feelings i had at the moments. =) i am so happy that i am going to marry this guy whom my heart really love and adore.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

i felt like bursting out

with tears.. with full of things in my head. my tummy doesn't feel right. i had dinner but yet i dunno wat's wrong with me. Ya Allah tingkatkan la tahap kesabaran i ini. love touches deeply into my heart and sumtimes i do not understand love. to be continued..

Friday, July 10, 2009

something funny

last saturday i went to this kl indie fest at kl tower. syok tau dh lame tak dgr music tgk concert. it was pretty hot but we went there around 530pm. towards ptg was hungry so i had burger accompanied by fiance's ofismates together with their partners as well. then dancing n singing along, it's time to get home. so me and fiance stopped by at this restaurant to have our dinner. most probably around 11 at nite i think. so while waiting we were wiping our faces with tissue. and to my surprisesness, we get our dish already that is fish and rice. so while waiting to be ready to eat there's a slight tissue on the fish. so i told hubby to take it off without noticing him putting the tissue he wipes his face on the plate of rice. when i saw the thing..i was laughing like mad. til tears coming out from my eyes. that was when i really realize that my fiance is so chommel. alamak! terletak tissue dlm pinggan nasi la plak. hehehe... hahahaha... sorry fiance. dont mean to hurt u. just something cute to share here in my blog.

hahahaha...hehehehehe...huhuhuhuhuhuhu...hahahahaha...hehehehe.. and a big smile for you darling dear =) *no body can beat my hubby* *love u so much*

anyone.. describe pleazzee..

i am feeling too many emotions at the same time.

happy --> marriage is coming
glad --> i've found my true endless love
sad --> to leave my family behind (eventhough i can stil in contact with them)
nervous --> lots of things to be done
surprised --> fiance asked in for proposal last year
unbelievable --> is it true fiance wants to get married with me?
thankful --> for everything everyone had done
blur --> wat am i suppose to do next?
angry --> when someone is disturbing my belongings
loved --> being loved by family n fiance
missed --> missing family n fiancee

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


today's post is about $ or money. wat is it got to do with our lives? well, lotsa things. many things. less $ difficult with nowadays expenses, too much $ will be too much spending. guess so average wil be just nice. enuff to save for the old days, enuff for food, enuff for home, enuff for kids and enuff to spent a little here n there. well gotta save a lot especially when wedding is nearing. wat worries me is the life after marriage. yes no doubt i am happy with that i am getting married in less than 30 days but it also new things to learn with life after marriage. to share, to love more, to appreciate more, to give more.. to understand better n lots of things.

kena wat budget lok-lok so at the end of the month we will have enuff to get thru the next salary.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


a month

today the most important in a wedding is to get consent on the akad nikah ceremony from Jabatan Agama Islam. was planning to go on thursday but dad changed the dad as he wasn't available on the day. so today i took half day. i dont even take lunch coz i am feeling full. so around 2.30pm went there together with parents and uncles. signed and then alhamdulillah. permohonan anda diluluskan. wow! there's this strange feelings inside me starting then. i cant describe wat is that. guess those who r getting married will feel the same. whoossh! i notice myself were smiling and even juz now when i went to see my future husband i smiled too and i felt like i am floating. my mind was focusing on other things.

but the most important thing is that the wedding itself berjalan dengan lancar & selamat. anywayss, we got many things to think after marriage. so basically that's when the adventure starts. mudah-mudahan perkahwinan ini berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat. Aminn.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


my wedding card already sent in for production. insya-Allah, either tuesday or wednesday they can be ready. wow! i am really excited.

door gift booked for 1000 pieces. so fruits could be round 1000 pieces as well. packaging should be in red.

honeymoon also done. yahoo! just to buy some nice dresses for me to bring there. maybe later or next week i'll go n check it out.

bob's baju melayu already sent for altering. sunday could be ready.

few things left. insya-Allah by tomorrow and next week boleh ready.

* notice my ready * almost in every sentences.

learned new word that is fiancee. all this while i was using fiancee for my fiancee but it is actually fiance. fiancee is the name called by the man to his partner after engagement. so my fiance is faiz marican n his fiancee is me.. hehehe!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


i'm done 4:

1) boxes + ribbons for tetamu jemputan pengantin lelaki
2) baju melayu for bros and dad

i'm partially done 4:

1) card printing
2) form n signing

mmm..*nyum* * nyum* ape lagi ek.. nanti i update lagi ye.. =)

i am soooo happy!

classes registration

i'm on leave today as i am going for classes registration. decided to take leave for this semester but most probably i will take exam this coming december sitting. insya-Allah.

haa..i am damn nervous ok. wanna know ahy? coz it is already 2nd july. it's about a month left before my big day. i am now actually waiting for fiancee's stories on the application of permohonan untuk nikah. gosshh!.. cant wait for it.

at the same time, browsing some doa doa to be put on our wedding card. we already finalise the card. desigs, fonts, colors and so far i really like it. nnt dh total siap i will post to my blog k.


dh balik from jumpe my fiancee. we had lunch together. well, dh dpt the forms. everything signed already. his side dh ok. permohonan diluluskan. next is my turn pulak. some of the info i dh dapat. tggl ic andak je blum lagi.

doa dh email kat busyuk i. he said 3 but i gave 4. ahaks *wink* my best 4 after searching n browsing. then either by tomoro or saturday boley send printing.