Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, July 24, 2009

one week's stories

a week has gone and lemme recap what i have done this whole week.

monday -> went to work as normal. was stuck in a very heavy traffic jam. i reached ofis around 930am. fushh.. gile ape pagi2 jam mcm ni coz as far as i remembered, i went out early from home k. it was like jam through out the whole federal until i reached mid valley. menyampah and bosan. i drove sis's car coz the car i've been driving all this while exchange with dad. he went outstation so he took the car. done with work..that day i remembered wat i had for lunch. nasi with ikan masak asam pedas. yummy k. n taste so good. but a lil bit hot. balik quite late la. ard 6.30pm then off to no where. clean up clean up time to go to bed.

tuesday -> i got training at menara. f.husband sent me to lrt station. he fetch me at home before we went for breakfast. i got snap snap his photo. he looked so sad and many probs. sumtimes wonder wat is in his head. he looked so heavy. hope he is telling me wat he felt inside coz yang i am here to support u and listen to all ur sorrows coz i love u damn much! then i lepak at our house gonna be b4 fetching him to balik. he needed to finish up his sukan closing. he is doing the mascot of his team called 'transformation' here's a photo it. gempak and giler creative mamat mamat ni buat keje die. hehehe..

wednesday -> was supposed to write ups on my invitation cards but i was so damn sleepy after a short kidnapped session with hubby. we had a new secret recipe cake called pecan butterschoth. wow! damn yummy and soooooooo creamy. full by the time i got home. hugs n kisses to hubby. XOXOXO hehehe. thanx yang. diela kata nak balik umah trus pastu tetibe call ckp u turun i dh kat bawah ni. i pun surprised la kan. bcoz b4 that i got ask him takde surprise tonite rite. tapi knowing my fiance ni. from the beginning i knew him, he is full of surprises from me having theories lesson on cars at kapar, giving me bday presents by hiding it by the side of the car's door, appearing infront of my house while b4 that he said he is at segamat [it is juz to meet and see his lovely gf ;)] then wat else. surprised me by sending me to airport b4 i fly, giving me raya card by putting it in the post box then says got santa tuah send me a card. plus card that he gave my by pulling down my shade in the car and lots lots more. i am really happy and glad n thankful. yang..yang.. y did u do all this to me?

thursday -> hhmm... got lots of work. then makan2 at nasi ayam shop before i starting distributing my invitation cards. wah.. the feelings i tell u. so nervous. gementar babe. takut giler. sampai tangan pun shaking. so far masa i bagi invitation ni, sumer orang ckp cantik, unique, pelik. hehe.. n later at nite i siapkan kad yang nak bagi kat ofismates lain plak.

friday -> last working day of the week. i pagi tak bnyk keje sgt. malas yang ye nye. pastu decided to distribute summore cards. hmmm...feelings tu stil ade. nervous. tapi dh kurang. hari ni panas sket. feel like burning otw home. then sampai umah rest kejap before gi post ofis and teman mama gi send some wedding cards to other people. ohh.. i am suppose to publish a copy of my card aite. well... will do so shortly. balik tu gi dating kejap. pk pk tinggal lagi brape hari yang? 14 days kan. hehehe...hahaha..mcm mcm la i rasa sekarang ni.

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