Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, July 2, 2009

classes registration

i'm on leave today as i am going for classes registration. decided to take leave for this semester but most probably i will take exam this coming december sitting. insya-Allah.

haa..i am damn nervous ok. wanna know ahy? coz it is already 2nd july. it's about a month left before my big day. i am now actually waiting for fiancee's stories on the application of permohonan untuk nikah. gosshh!.. cant wait for it.

at the same time, browsing some doa doa to be put on our wedding card. we already finalise the card. desigs, fonts, colors and so far i really like it. nnt dh total siap i will post to my blog k.


dh balik from jumpe my fiancee. we had lunch together. well, dh dpt the forms. everything signed already. his side dh ok. permohonan diluluskan. next is my turn pulak. some of the info i dh dapat. tggl ic andak je blum lagi.

doa dh email kat busyuk i. he said 3 but i gave 4. ahaks *wink* my best 4 after searching n browsing. then either by tomoro or saturday boley send printing.

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