Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, July 26, 2009


i went for a hair-do yesterday. colored and treatment them. i like it. the feelings of my head being light and clean and fresh. syokk.. plus it is sooo wangi. sometimes wonder cant i have the wangi smell of hair from salon forever. i think the answer is yes provided you get all the stuff from the shop but knowing me malas kengkadang mengatasi segalanye. haha.. tapi i was thinking yesterday. once i am married i want to look good for my husband. so i kena maintain n take a good care of myself. appearance must be nice. hair maybe 3 months or 6 months changed to a different style. wow! nak satisfied kan man's desire ni rupenye mencabar ek. banyak benda nk kena tengok kat diri sendiri. in all aspects. nnt kalo tak mula la.. man ni gatal kan. back to wedding preparation.

1) wedding card otw to sending
2) kompang confirm
3) photographer confirm
4) door gift bags confirm
5) mak andam confirm
6) tggal yg sket2 je lagi [include budget]

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