Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

counting days

hahahaha.. left like wat. ard 10 more days. gosh! suddenly so many things flashing back in my mind. i just felt like crying. i am getting married to this guy which i've known for almost 10 years. from the 1st day how we met. where is our 1st date, the food we ate on the 1st date, the clothes we were on the 1st date, the nervous and worriedness we felt on the 1st date, the moment we sat at the bench talking on the paper instead of spitting it out. the magic words that i wanted to hear from him were than frequent said in our daily conversation. from the moment on we were a couple until now. yes we broke-up about 10 days. that time was like hell ok. my life was upside down. my work is not doing great. things have changed. gosh! i took it as a lesson for me in mylife in order for me to become more matured. jealousy is always around. but i must keep saying to myself that he loves me day & night without fail. alhamdulillah it feels better. and also when i asked things that were in my head i also felt relief.
ohh.. i got so many things to be shared in my blog. more things on wat we've gone thru in these solid 9 years. from tears to anger to happy to missing to hates to jealousness to madness to groovy to sexy to feel belonging and to many many more things. but truely madly deeply saying that he is mine and only mine. and i am his only himself.
may our marriage diberkati dan dilimpahi nikmat dan kurniaan Ilahi.
enuf on emotionally touching at the moment. i got updates to share bout the preparation. cards mostly are distributed. umah dh hbs cat. tggl nk kemas totally umah. nk kilat2 perabot. nk sapu nk mop nk vacuum. aarrgghh.. i dont feel like working anymore. feels like going to holiday already. how? hehe..

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