Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, October 29, 2009

it's over at AMTB

yep... my official last day was supposed to be yesterday but insisted by 2 ppl that i should help around through out month end. so with courtesy i came n to my surprise, the kakak takde until like 1145am. i was about to go at 12 noon. pastu cabut. semalam kemain lagi cakap i need ur help tapi hari ni lain citer, so takpela.. i pun gi jalan2.. jumpa people yang i liaise with...cakap sori.. kalo ade pape in terms of work or my behaviour yang i dh offended mereka. hehehe.. ayat kemain lagi. pastu kemas2 setel things pegi HR. got the letters and then went for lunch with x-colleagues. well, thanx a lot for treating me.

yesterday got farewell for me la after work. potong kek chocolate indulgence. wow! yummy.. shedapp shangat.. pastu listed below are some gifts from them. glasses, kasut crocs putih. hehe.. chocolates, frame, handbag fendi tu and quran kecik. tapi wait a minute. mane i letak quran tu. omigod kene carik la. apara la i. pastu b4 balik today...siap orang ckp kalo ade gud news let them know la ok. keep in touch..alah..touching touching plak. tapi tadi kan masa nak salam kak siti rasa cam sebak la plak. apala i. die pesan be a good girl ok.

lepas lunch i terus rasa pening. dizzy sangat. pastu plak call la hubbybertuah tu nk ngadu. die takde kat tmpt die. pastu tak return my call. i ter'emo' la plak kat umah. hhmm... i drive je slowly. malas nk cakap banyak. fon pun tggl one bar that time. sampai kat umah dlm 3.30pm. lepak2 tgk tv,lipat kain pastu ingat nak basuh telekung. terus teringat alamak beg telekung i tertinggal kat ofisnye surau la. takpe... esok ke ape nnt i gi amik. see how.. hisshh so careless la i ni. oklah i nak meng"farmville" chiow!!

to amtrustee..thanx for all the lessons, guidance and advices given. will keep it as good memories. and to the new employer rhb investment... insya-Allah will work hard for it and gud luck to myself for future undertaking.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

picnic @ pantai kelanang

last sat's activity. really enjoyed myself n i had so much fun.


i wasn't sure where and was the right time and place at the moment but i practically feel that at the moment. i wasn't liking wat i was feeling at that time. too many things in head n heart beating gets faster n faster. mm.. guess we were on the way to sumwhere to 7e or either on the way home from 7e. so few of songs seems to be playing on-line. and it all reminds me of those time which i dont like. isshh..bukannye sengaje nk ingat ok. tapi slowly when the nite goes on i can free my mind frm the things i dont like to know. well, basically lessons learned are important here. got to be more matured and thinking wisely. that's true aite.. ok enuf bout the wek feelings n thoughts. am currently listening to imeem. dewa's listings. best gak layan malam2. hehe..

husband out for a meeting with tunestone. he's on the way home tapi nak gi beli burger dulu. i'm hungry la yang. busyuk i pun lapar. hehehe..padahal tadi masing2 dh makan.hmm..hm..

well today is official last day at amtb. but tomoro 2 ladies insisted me to come to help out on the closing. but wil only be half day. then i'm of. basically i also got things to setel with HR. bukan la ape. nak submit exit questionnaire, ID, amik letter tonew HR. semalam yes i was bengang [amat bengang ngan management i] sangatla bz body tapi i dh malas nk citer. biarla..dengan die.. malas nk pk lagi. buat kusut kepala je. tapi ape2 yang happened in amtb akan dijadikan sebagai pengajaran untk meneruskan kehidupan di masa depan. insya-Allah, n my motto sekarang "life must go on" and please analyse with ur heart n mind b4 u b doing anything.

p/s: hari ni saya wat laundry 2 kali. ehehehe.. rajin la plak kan. bukan ape. laundry basket dh full la.i rimas tau.. kah..kah..kahh.. off now. sayonara...

Monday, October 26, 2009

something big gonna arrive soon

hhmm..hhmm..tak sabar kan nak tau. hehehe... i lagi la tak sabar. well, got to be more stories next time. hari ni online kejap je sbb nak fill exit questionnaire je. oklah nite.
finally i dh reveal wat is that that is soo sooo sooo surprise.. hehehe.. well, bought this after a few sessions of checking out, surveying n discussion with parents. basically dad la. mum is alwiz agreed with wat we r choosing. so far alhamdulillah. juz nk pk pasal plate number je. hhmm..kusut kusut..oklah nak kemas2. chiow!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

1st weekend after raya

bulan syawal telah pun sampai ke penghujungnye. meaning no more open houses. and peoples activity during weekend is either back to normal or more exciting things to do. well for me, it is new journey for me as i am now married. so after this there will be more things for me to explore with my dearest husband. yes..we got so many years to celebrate those wonderful events together and i am sooo excited n glad to have the opportunity to do that with en faiz. love him so much..

today's activity will be sumthing extra ordinary sket. this morning i n hubby went for a jog at stadi. whusshh! dh lame tak berjogging. terasa letih sket la and i tadi brape round dh pancit. hehehe.. tapi i rasa that is my level. takleh force. kang lain plak jadinye. hehehe.. jap gi nak gi tgk keta i. nak test drive sekali, pastu nak gi wash n blow rambut.. mesti syok rasa kene paper harini. pastu hubby nak gi thai massage then petang nk gi picnic ngan cousins hubby. banyaknye nk buat ni tapi takpe takpe.. syok..isshh.sooo exciting.. bestnye. woohoo! nnt i upload gambar ye ape yang i wat hari nie ye.

tgk tu hubby kat sebelah. nak baca plak. malu la..nanti la kalo nk baca biar i takde sebelah. hehehe..i baru mandi ni. syok nye. badan rasa ringan. dh bersih. dh wangi. sape busuk sile ketepi sket eh. hahaha..

Thursday, October 22, 2009

a week to be update

weehoo.. it's thursday already. i was on leave yesterday. so syok. rasa dh lame tak on leave. previously was mc not feeling well.. setakat ni alhamdulillah sehat hendak-Nya. aminn. today was raining pretty heavy during the day. and today also hubby sent n picked me up from ofis. thanx a lot. in the evening had pizza in the car.. and to my wonder we can actually finished the regular pizza. new flavour, classified chicken. after eating haa now it taste a lil bit like the burger king mushroom burger. however i love the pizza too. a new variant to be tasted accross the day.wat a cool ending day. love it so much. came home cleaned up i cooked sup ayam n nasi putih.hhmm..tapi blum makan lagi. tnggu hubby mandi.. he went in like 940 tapi dh kul 10 blum kuar lagi. mesti tgh shave eh.. hehehe.. hhmm hhmm.. sebenarnye nak upload gambar kawin dlm facebook. smp sekarang tak la update update. ishh lambat sungguh. hahaha.. dh 2 bulan kite kawin. ape rasanye skang ni eh? hhmm...banyak lagi ye rasa bende2 baru. rasa nak belajar hidup bersama. masak.. kemas umah..basuh baju n treating my dearest husband to my best capability...

yaay! weekend is towards the beginning. enjoying it to the max coz nak gi survey keta. yoohoo!! well... was really happy sbb dh nak start keje baru next month. alhamdulillah.. semoga murah rezeki, sihat amin..

Thursday, October 15, 2009

angin dalam perut

i was on medical leave on tuesday. right after breakfast dh rasa tak tentu arah. rasa loya pastu sengal+sakit sampai ke belakang. then relax la kejap. pastu ingat dh okay. shortly after that muntah. habis ape yang i makan time brekfast tu kuar. syian i kan. rasa nk nangis ok. hubby pun kene postpone lmbt sket pegi keje. sowee.. dh la die ade convention kat sunway. sorang lak tu. die kene inform kawan die to cover kejap. hhmm.. then pegi clinic he accompanied me then send me home to mum's house. i rest je la kat umah mum. doctor cakap i gastrik ni. die bagi i makan bubur je. jgn minum coffee, nescafe, teh, n if ade cirit birit jgn minum susu. sayur+buah pun takleh makan. juz for the 2 days la. so i rest at home. dad pun tak sehat. die pun dh mc dua hari. mum then cooked sup daging. lps makan ubat i pun tido je la kat sofa. until like 430pm. bangun mata terkelip2 wondering where am i. call hubby. die stil kat sunway. tapi shortly lps call die dh sampai umah. nak amik wife balik umah eh. ingat nak stay umah mum. hehe ;) lps prayer, kemas2 barang dine kejap [perut dh kurang sakit] we gerak balik. tapi singgah studio abang boy kejap. nak kena hantar cd gambar. abg boy nye studio siap ade dog la. besar k. cam anjing polis. takut i. rasanye die atas sket dari peha i. kalo berdiri 2 kaki maybe boleh sampai bahu i or telinga. isshh..color hitam. lucky kene ikat. huhu..siap barking la kat we all. balik tu tgk tv. hubby nak siapkan design die. so die duk dalam bilik tu sengsorang. biarla. shortly i visit je la tapi room tu bau okok. bau terkuhup. tak tahan duk lame2. then the nite i tido dulu lps makan ubat. owhh kno wat by 11 camtu i lapar. so masak nasi n goreng telur. yummy yummy. letak kicap. apa la psal lapar balek ni. isshh isshh.. tido dlm 1230. bangun awal. dlm 615am. pastu hari hujan. mula dh rasa moody sket sbb dh lambat. tapi takpe la. ingt naik lrt kat pj pastu hubby ckp takpe he send i kat kl sentral. thanx anyway. pastu semlm kat ofis i emo. ntah pape ntah. hehe.. jgn ikut sangat. tak elok k. oklah think so that's all for now. chiow!

Monday, October 12, 2009

eating time~

makan2 event was made at my homme. after confirmation from both mum n mum-in-law, they were agreed to come on saturday. we get confused on wat to cook for the makan2. so las2 we have decided on kuah lontong/lodeh, ayam masak merah, ikan sweet sour, nasi impit & kuah kacang. after work decided to shop for all this barang masak tapi last2 kan tak jadi pegi. we all tetido. dgn tak mandinye. dgn baju ofis lagi tu.haisshh... ape yg penat sgt tu gamaknye.. =) sampai la the next morning. we all bgn pretty early. around 733am. bangun tgk2 ape yang nak masak. pastu prepare ie potong potong bawang, halia, serai, sayur, tempe n few other things la. pastu hubby gi cari ayam n other barang yang last minit order. he went out from 930 smp kul 11 baru balik. uisshh... lame gile.. *lesson here: to find n setel the baran2 masak the nite b4 d event so takde kelam kabut: * hehe.. pastu dh start masak kuah lontong. first time okay i masak lauk ni. i tgk resipi kat www.myresipi.com thanx for the resipi nway. rasa die tak lari la. sedap k. ehchewah masuk bakul angkat sendiri. tapi quite worried jgk. masa nk masak tu. tapi thnx to my dearest husband sbb tlg i masak. 2nd task is to masak ayam masak merah. i tgh goreng ayam 2nd batch where by my guest dah sampai. pastu mum in law yang tlg masak kuah ayam masak merah tu. pretty easy. takpe next time boleh try lagi. thank u thank u. then around 3 baru start makan. my sisn bros came early as well.. segan plak dtg awal sbb i ta setel things lagi. hubby pun last2 minit vacum rumah. haha... kire cpt gak die kemas umah eh. kuar kan pinggan glasses, sudu n garfu. tapi semua campur campur. colorful tapi takpe yang penting ikhlas untuk menjamu para tetamu. soon my parent came. then dad ckp sedap la kuah lontong i. tapi die ade mentioned kalo pekat sketlai sedap. hehe... nway thanx for the compliment aite evry1. towards ptg my sis in law n a fren of mine came. borak2. i was pretty happy yesterday. semua orang looked comfortable n happy being at my hse. walaupun kecik hopefully they dont mind. mmg full la umah i. dari hall ke kitchenke bilik. sume occupied. owhh..hubby relatives including nenek came from segamat. thanx and they all pun bwkkan sedikit makanan for us. so sweet.. hehe.. roughly guests balik around 730. lepak2 tgk upin ipin [i kindof liking the movie. n even cried watching it at the part where oopet has to go n leave his frens..huhu] farmville kejap before accompanying darling to ikea. he bought his meja n kerusi for our homme. kesian die tgk nak wat design bersila la.. meniarap la... cam cam style. so takpela beli satu set then hopefully boleh bagi kesenangan n keselesaan kepada die..busyuk i ni. kiss karang. around 11pm.. ared n his family came plak. beraya.. was a lil bit sleepy tapi kene entertain guests sbb diorang dtg beraya. thanx u all.. for coming to my house. hehe.. last2 we tido around 1 am. tak kemas ape sgt. juz simpan lauk2 sket dlm fridge. then gud nite malaysia.

we all bangun kemain lambat. myself around 1130am. hubby lagi lmbat ard 12noon. pastu die bangun looked like nk marah i n he said yang next time if weekend bgn awal la. rugi bangun lambat. sori. bukannye sengaje bangun lambat. maybe sbb letih the day before. pastu kan i start la kemas2 dapur sket. tapi tak fully kemas sbb nak pegi beraya. hari ni nak pegi umah sis in law. n then pegi umah cousin in law. [ade ke terms tu] haha.. i sgt la kenyang. masa kat umah sis in law [anne] she cooked nasi goreng cina, daging masak sarawak, ade puding n special dish "ayam cheese" she told me to try n i wil do so. already got the recipi. hehe cam syok plak nak masak ni. pastu kan my father in law terkunci kat dalam bilik after prayer. panic we all nak kluarkan die. dh la pintu tu takde kuncinye. pastu ntah mcm mane last2 bole buka plak. fuhh! lucky okay. almost 15 minutes k. pastu dgr anak buah husband i panggil atok..atok.. alahai.. keciannye. atok terkunci kat dalam bilik. roughly lps maghrib gerak gi umah abg boy. fara cooked mee kari. bole tahan sedap jgk la juz a bit pedas la. hehe.. makan satu mangkuk. ingat tak habis pastu towards the end habis kan la jgk. tu yang rasa cam ikan buntal. kenyang sgt okay. tgk tv lepak2. umah abang boy cantek k. combination of color hitam, merah n putih. so sexy. nway merah mmg sexy kan. huhu.. balik from his house ard 1030. smp umah ard 11. kemas2 ape yang patut. pastu time to sleep. ape yang tergendala siang tadi ie kemas dapur n umah tak sambung. biar je kat situ. mmg sepah giler la. hehehe...

wat an experience to me. cooking my own dish to jamu orang makan. haduisshh.. rasa sgt nervous. hehe..

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

check out my house

guess room..check out the curtain n bed sheet..nway it is cosy
it's my living hall..cantik kan.. ade langsir kiri kanan..
red room... cant really see coz it is dark. hehe..
our closet.. sumer baju simpan dlm ni. syok bile kemas ade almari.
blue room. weehoo.. cantik n cosy eh.. hehe..mesti rs nak tido.
kesan pertukangan hubby: cantik kan.. shelves diy bought at ikea
another kesan pertukangan hubby: also bought at ikea.. so useful.
thanx syg..
skang umah i dh cantik..

officially announced

my resignation was officially announced by sazali. my current supervisor. well, a lot of things has been discussed. bout people in amtrustee, the environment. basically a lot of things he shared with me. n to my surprised, when the legal people knew, they were like so not supportive. u know wat they said. buat penat je dtg inteviu sume pastu resign. tapi ye la i cam terkejut la plak. mentality org melayu macam tu ke? i mean we tuka2 job sebab nak lebih exposure and of course secara tak langsung money do play a role as well as position. tapi i wat tak tau sbb my main penyebab is for my career advancement.

upon announcing, i was going to made available the workload of my current position. to list out whatever is still outstanding. but yes of course, i have to make my work up to the mark wher ppl can catch up easily. well..gud luck. not penalising but "life has to go on" blaming each other wil not solve things so have to be good based on the right situation.

these few days been talking with mum on the fon. kind of miss my mum. kalo balik umah tis weekend, hopefully balik umah mama. hehe.. sowee.. manja plak tetibe ni.

tonite's menu is ayam goreng lumur ngan halia + bawang putih. i dh ngantuk la. my husband gi meeting blum balik lagi. kejap lagi la tu. drive carefully. nite. adios!

i've made my decision

i've resigned from my current position with current company. i tendered on 1st october giving 1 month notice. but nj gave me time to think bout my decision and asked me to think bout wat i want here. well after 3 days thinking, i've made up my mind and i am firmed with my decision. woosshh.. after that i felt sooo relief. but actually sumthing happened on d day i tendered my resignation. after sending n talking with my manager, i went out n cried. YES I SAID CRIED. i cant help myself. teruk gak i nangis smp hubby kene tenteramkan i over the phone. masa i tender i refresh back watever had happened thru out my career here at amtrustee. plus 2 very important occassion happened to me while i'm here working at amtrustee. my engagement n my wedding. but thinking rationally, i have to look forward. life has to go on. i am now a married woman. and i am now should be thinking positive and maturely. insya-Allah, semua akan berjalan dengan lancar. so as planned, my last day will be on 30th October 2009. may all the wonderful memories stil fresh in mind and all the bad things happened here to stay there at amtrustee. to amtrustee thanx again for the 1 year ++ tenure and to new company here i come.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

a very pack weekend for me

chop! i stop dulu sb nk mandi. hehehe..nt i sambung balik k. chiow!

saturday: i attended ptd exam which was held at bangi. it was d whole day exam from 9am to 4.30pm. actually i was like nak pegi ke tak nak pegi ke tak exam tu. i cam malas nk pegi. tapi last weekend dad sms n called regarding the exam. he opened the letter n told me bout the issue. by the way, i already knew bout it sumwhere in bulan puasa. i've received the sms asking for confirmation whether i want to go for it or not. i've decided yes back then. pastu dgn baca la ala kadar pegi la exam. there was 5 sections all together. omg soalan die susah ok. adoi.. but i did my very best la. tatau bile d result wil come out. pretty nervous. i did my extra 120% for both english and malay essay. but so far yang quite tricky is the first section and the iq test. ishh..isshh.. hubby send me there then he went back home. he tolong kemas umah ie vacum, mop and lap2 furniture. thanx dear. maybe friday or saturday ni i punye turn plak. pastu mintak favor die packing barang sbb nak balik kampung. woohoo! ade open house. habis exam gi makan pastu gi jpe mus kat the curve. dh lame gile tak jpe die. we lepak for like almost 2 hours. macam macam la we all borak. bende2 bengong+gile+bongok. hahaha... tapi i really enjoy the moment. happy sgt. pastu kan sumthing funny happened. when i was at the curve, hubby was supposed to go to ikea to get the meja komputer tapi kan sbb mlm semalamnye die tido lmbt. ard 5am, die tertido dalam keta. almost the same time like when i lepaking with mus. isshh..isshh... noti ni. ade ke boleh tertido dlm keta. syian die. penat sgt la tu. pastu bangun2 gi toilet trus cari wife die. sebbaik tak sesat. hehehe.. *mmuuaahh* then send mus to lrt balik tu gi makan jap kat kak na and then balik umah. tolong2 sket la buat preparation for open house on sunday. isshh.. lastly dlm kul 1230 we tertido. siap tak clean up tu. apara.. dua2 letih kot. sampai la next day bangun kul 930am.

sunday: the event occurred.. started at 2pm. uiishh.. i ade le terlelap2 kejap sementara tggu orang dtg. tapi yang ramai tu if tak silap between 4pm - 6pm la. ramai orang k. my parent pun dtg jgk. pastu lepak ngan mum n kak in. borak2. hehe..i makan nasi beryani 3 kali ok. banyak tau. melampau k. ohh lupe nk ckp. menu: nasi beryani, rendang ayam, kari ayam, dalca, acar. nyum nyum! kenyang sehingga menjilat jari. hehehe.. pastu dlm 1045pm gerak balik our house. kemain ngantuk lagi we all dua. aduisshh.. last last tido ard 1230pm selepas berkemas kemas ape yang perlu.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

1st october 2009

new day of the month. we are at the last quarter of the year. meaning 2009 will be over soon. too many sweet memories for me in this year. sometimes bile teringat balik rasa nk cry ok. anyway, on this sweet morning would like to wish my husband a very wonderful birthday. yesternite bought cake for him then sharp at 12 mati lampu, light candle then nyanyi for him. alar.. so sweet. semoga dipanjangkan umur, murah rezeki, sihat sentiasa dan dirahmati Allah SWT.