Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, October 12, 2009

eating time~

makan2 event was made at my homme. after confirmation from both mum n mum-in-law, they were agreed to come on saturday. we get confused on wat to cook for the makan2. so las2 we have decided on kuah lontong/lodeh, ayam masak merah, ikan sweet sour, nasi impit & kuah kacang. after work decided to shop for all this barang masak tapi last2 kan tak jadi pegi. we all tetido. dgn tak mandinye. dgn baju ofis lagi tu.haisshh... ape yg penat sgt tu gamaknye.. =) sampai la the next morning. we all bgn pretty early. around 733am. bangun tgk2 ape yang nak masak. pastu prepare ie potong potong bawang, halia, serai, sayur, tempe n few other things la. pastu hubby gi cari ayam n other barang yang last minit order. he went out from 930 smp kul 11 baru balik. uisshh... lame gile.. *lesson here: to find n setel the baran2 masak the nite b4 d event so takde kelam kabut: * hehe.. pastu dh start masak kuah lontong. first time okay i masak lauk ni. i tgk resipi kat www.myresipi.com thanx for the resipi nway. rasa die tak lari la. sedap k. ehchewah masuk bakul angkat sendiri. tapi quite worried jgk. masa nk masak tu. tapi thnx to my dearest husband sbb tlg i masak. 2nd task is to masak ayam masak merah. i tgh goreng ayam 2nd batch where by my guest dah sampai. pastu mum in law yang tlg masak kuah ayam masak merah tu. pretty easy. takpe next time boleh try lagi. thank u thank u. then around 3 baru start makan. my sisn bros came early as well.. segan plak dtg awal sbb i ta setel things lagi. hubby pun last2 minit vacum rumah. haha... kire cpt gak die kemas umah eh. kuar kan pinggan glasses, sudu n garfu. tapi semua campur campur. colorful tapi takpe yang penting ikhlas untuk menjamu para tetamu. soon my parent came. then dad ckp sedap la kuah lontong i. tapi die ade mentioned kalo pekat sketlai sedap. hehe... nway thanx for the compliment aite evry1. towards ptg my sis in law n a fren of mine came. borak2. i was pretty happy yesterday. semua orang looked comfortable n happy being at my hse. walaupun kecik hopefully they dont mind. mmg full la umah i. dari hall ke kitchenke bilik. sume occupied. owhh..hubby relatives including nenek came from segamat. thanx and they all pun bwkkan sedikit makanan for us. so sweet.. hehe.. roughly guests balik around 730. lepak2 tgk upin ipin [i kindof liking the movie. n even cried watching it at the part where oopet has to go n leave his frens..huhu] farmville kejap before accompanying darling to ikea. he bought his meja n kerusi for our homme. kesian die tgk nak wat design bersila la.. meniarap la... cam cam style. so takpela beli satu set then hopefully boleh bagi kesenangan n keselesaan kepada die..busyuk i ni. kiss karang. around 11pm.. ared n his family came plak. beraya.. was a lil bit sleepy tapi kene entertain guests sbb diorang dtg beraya. thanx u all.. for coming to my house. hehe.. last2 we tido around 1 am. tak kemas ape sgt. juz simpan lauk2 sket dlm fridge. then gud nite malaysia.

we all bangun kemain lambat. myself around 1130am. hubby lagi lmbat ard 12noon. pastu die bangun looked like nk marah i n he said yang next time if weekend bgn awal la. rugi bangun lambat. sori. bukannye sengaje bangun lambat. maybe sbb letih the day before. pastu kan i start la kemas2 dapur sket. tapi tak fully kemas sbb nak pegi beraya. hari ni nak pegi umah sis in law. n then pegi umah cousin in law. [ade ke terms tu] haha.. i sgt la kenyang. masa kat umah sis in law [anne] she cooked nasi goreng cina, daging masak sarawak, ade puding n special dish "ayam cheese" she told me to try n i wil do so. already got the recipi. hehe cam syok plak nak masak ni. pastu kan my father in law terkunci kat dalam bilik after prayer. panic we all nak kluarkan die. dh la pintu tu takde kuncinye. pastu ntah mcm mane last2 bole buka plak. fuhh! lucky okay. almost 15 minutes k. pastu dgr anak buah husband i panggil atok..atok.. alahai.. keciannye. atok terkunci kat dalam bilik. roughly lps maghrib gerak gi umah abg boy. fara cooked mee kari. bole tahan sedap jgk la juz a bit pedas la. hehe.. makan satu mangkuk. ingat tak habis pastu towards the end habis kan la jgk. tu yang rasa cam ikan buntal. kenyang sgt okay. tgk tv lepak2. umah abang boy cantek k. combination of color hitam, merah n putih. so sexy. nway merah mmg sexy kan. huhu.. balik from his house ard 1030. smp umah ard 11. kemas2 ape yang patut. pastu time to sleep. ape yang tergendala siang tadi ie kemas dapur n umah tak sambung. biar je kat situ. mmg sepah giler la. hehehe...

wat an experience to me. cooking my own dish to jamu orang makan. haduisshh.. rasa sgt nervous. hehe..

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