Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


i wasn't sure where and was the right time and place at the moment but i practically feel that at the moment. i wasn't liking wat i was feeling at that time. too many things in head n heart beating gets faster n faster. mm.. guess we were on the way to sumwhere to 7e or either on the way home from 7e. so few of songs seems to be playing on-line. and it all reminds me of those time which i dont like. isshh..bukannye sengaje nk ingat ok. tapi slowly when the nite goes on i can free my mind frm the things i dont like to know. well, basically lessons learned are important here. got to be more matured and thinking wisely. that's true aite.. ok enuf bout the wek feelings n thoughts. am currently listening to imeem. dewa's listings. best gak layan malam2. hehe..

husband out for a meeting with tunestone. he's on the way home tapi nak gi beli burger dulu. i'm hungry la yang. busyuk i pun lapar. hehehe..padahal tadi masing2 dh makan.hmm..hm..

well today is official last day at amtb. but tomoro 2 ladies insisted me to come to help out on the closing. but wil only be half day. then i'm of. basically i also got things to setel with HR. bukan la ape. nak submit exit questionnaire, ID, amik letter tonew HR. semalam yes i was bengang [amat bengang ngan management i] sangatla bz body tapi i dh malas nk citer. biarla..dengan die.. malas nk pk lagi. buat kusut kepala je. tapi ape2 yang happened in amtb akan dijadikan sebagai pengajaran untk meneruskan kehidupan di masa depan. insya-Allah, n my motto sekarang "life must go on" and please analyse with ur heart n mind b4 u b doing anything.

p/s: hari ni saya wat laundry 2 kali. ehehehe.. rajin la plak kan. bukan ape. laundry basket dh full la.i rimas tau.. kah..kah..kahh.. off now. sayonara...

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