Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, October 29, 2009

it's over at AMTB

yep... my official last day was supposed to be yesterday but insisted by 2 ppl that i should help around through out month end. so with courtesy i came n to my surprise, the kakak takde until like 1145am. i was about to go at 12 noon. pastu cabut. semalam kemain lagi cakap i need ur help tapi hari ni lain citer, so takpela.. i pun gi jalan2.. jumpa people yang i liaise with...cakap sori.. kalo ade pape in terms of work or my behaviour yang i dh offended mereka. hehehe.. ayat kemain lagi. pastu kemas2 setel things pegi HR. got the letters and then went for lunch with x-colleagues. well, thanx a lot for treating me.

yesterday got farewell for me la after work. potong kek chocolate indulgence. wow! yummy.. shedapp shangat.. pastu listed below are some gifts from them. glasses, kasut crocs putih. hehe.. chocolates, frame, handbag fendi tu and quran kecik. tapi wait a minute. mane i letak quran tu. omigod kene carik la. apara la i. pastu b4 balik today...siap orang ckp kalo ade gud news let them know la ok. keep in touch..alah..touching touching plak. tapi tadi kan masa nak salam kak siti rasa cam sebak la plak. apala i. die pesan be a good girl ok.

lepas lunch i terus rasa pening. dizzy sangat. pastu plak call la hubbybertuah tu nk ngadu. die takde kat tmpt die. pastu tak return my call. i ter'emo' la plak kat umah. hhmm... i drive je slowly. malas nk cakap banyak. fon pun tggl one bar that time. sampai kat umah dlm 3.30pm. lepak2 tgk tv,lipat kain pastu ingat nak basuh telekung. terus teringat alamak beg telekung i tertinggal kat ofisnye surau la. takpe... esok ke ape nnt i gi amik. see how.. hisshh so careless la i ni. oklah i nak meng"farmville" chiow!!

to amtrustee..thanx for all the lessons, guidance and advices given. will keep it as good memories. and to the new employer rhb investment... insya-Allah will work hard for it and gud luck to myself for future undertaking.

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