Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, October 4, 2009

a very pack weekend for me

chop! i stop dulu sb nk mandi. hehehe..nt i sambung balik k. chiow!

saturday: i attended ptd exam which was held at bangi. it was d whole day exam from 9am to 4.30pm. actually i was like nak pegi ke tak nak pegi ke tak exam tu. i cam malas nk pegi. tapi last weekend dad sms n called regarding the exam. he opened the letter n told me bout the issue. by the way, i already knew bout it sumwhere in bulan puasa. i've received the sms asking for confirmation whether i want to go for it or not. i've decided yes back then. pastu dgn baca la ala kadar pegi la exam. there was 5 sections all together. omg soalan die susah ok. adoi.. but i did my very best la. tatau bile d result wil come out. pretty nervous. i did my extra 120% for both english and malay essay. but so far yang quite tricky is the first section and the iq test. ishh..isshh.. hubby send me there then he went back home. he tolong kemas umah ie vacum, mop and lap2 furniture. thanx dear. maybe friday or saturday ni i punye turn plak. pastu mintak favor die packing barang sbb nak balik kampung. woohoo! ade open house. habis exam gi makan pastu gi jpe mus kat the curve. dh lame gile tak jpe die. we lepak for like almost 2 hours. macam macam la we all borak. bende2 bengong+gile+bongok. hahaha... tapi i really enjoy the moment. happy sgt. pastu kan sumthing funny happened. when i was at the curve, hubby was supposed to go to ikea to get the meja komputer tapi kan sbb mlm semalamnye die tido lmbt. ard 5am, die tertido dalam keta. almost the same time like when i lepaking with mus. isshh..isshh... noti ni. ade ke boleh tertido dlm keta. syian die. penat sgt la tu. pastu bangun2 gi toilet trus cari wife die. sebbaik tak sesat. hehehe.. *mmuuaahh* then send mus to lrt balik tu gi makan jap kat kak na and then balik umah. tolong2 sket la buat preparation for open house on sunday. isshh.. lastly dlm kul 1230 we tertido. siap tak clean up tu. apara.. dua2 letih kot. sampai la next day bangun kul 930am.

sunday: the event occurred.. started at 2pm. uiishh.. i ade le terlelap2 kejap sementara tggu orang dtg. tapi yang ramai tu if tak silap between 4pm - 6pm la. ramai orang k. my parent pun dtg jgk. pastu lepak ngan mum n kak in. borak2. hehe..i makan nasi beryani 3 kali ok. banyak tau. melampau k. ohh lupe nk ckp. menu: nasi beryani, rendang ayam, kari ayam, dalca, acar. nyum nyum! kenyang sehingga menjilat jari. hehehe.. pastu dlm 1045pm gerak balik our house. kemain ngantuk lagi we all dua. aduisshh.. last last tido ard 1230pm selepas berkemas kemas ape yang perlu.

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