Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

officially announced

my resignation was officially announced by sazali. my current supervisor. well, a lot of things has been discussed. bout people in amtrustee, the environment. basically a lot of things he shared with me. n to my surprised, when the legal people knew, they were like so not supportive. u know wat they said. buat penat je dtg inteviu sume pastu resign. tapi ye la i cam terkejut la plak. mentality org melayu macam tu ke? i mean we tuka2 job sebab nak lebih exposure and of course secara tak langsung money do play a role as well as position. tapi i wat tak tau sbb my main penyebab is for my career advancement.

upon announcing, i was going to made available the workload of my current position. to list out whatever is still outstanding. but yes of course, i have to make my work up to the mark wher ppl can catch up easily. well..gud luck. not penalising but "life has to go on" blaming each other wil not solve things so have to be good based on the right situation.

these few days been talking with mum on the fon. kind of miss my mum. kalo balik umah tis weekend, hopefully balik umah mama. hehe.. sowee.. manja plak tetibe ni.

tonite's menu is ayam goreng lumur ngan halia + bawang putih. i dh ngantuk la. my husband gi meeting blum balik lagi. kejap lagi la tu. drive carefully. nite. adios!

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