Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, October 24, 2009

1st weekend after raya

bulan syawal telah pun sampai ke penghujungnye. meaning no more open houses. and peoples activity during weekend is either back to normal or more exciting things to do. well for me, it is new journey for me as i am now married. so after this there will be more things for me to explore with my dearest husband. yes..we got so many years to celebrate those wonderful events together and i am sooo excited n glad to have the opportunity to do that with en faiz. love him so much..

today's activity will be sumthing extra ordinary sket. this morning i n hubby went for a jog at stadi. whusshh! dh lame tak berjogging. terasa letih sket la and i tadi brape round dh pancit. hehehe.. tapi i rasa that is my level. takleh force. kang lain plak jadinye. hehehe.. jap gi nak gi tgk keta i. nak test drive sekali, pastu nak gi wash n blow rambut.. mesti syok rasa kene paper harini. pastu hubby nak gi thai massage then petang nk gi picnic ngan cousins hubby. banyaknye nk buat ni tapi takpe takpe.. syok..isshh.sooo exciting.. bestnye. woohoo! nnt i upload gambar ye ape yang i wat hari nie ye.

tgk tu hubby kat sebelah. nak baca plak. malu la..nanti la kalo nk baca biar i takde sebelah. hehehe..i baru mandi ni. syok nye. badan rasa ringan. dh bersih. dh wangi. sape busuk sile ketepi sket eh. hahaha..

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