Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Last day of year 2023

It is the end of the year of 2023. Semoga yang baik diteruskan, yang tak baik dijauhkan. Semoga lebih berkat dan sentiasa mendapat keredhaan Allah. Lets improve ourself to a better person in year 2024. Malam ni ada bunga api tak? Tengok dari rumah je lah ye zayyan. :)

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Thank you VIOS

Thank you for a year and 7 months for being my good buddy and rides. For bringing me and the kids to many places, within shah alam, klang, pj and kl. hope u are well taken care in somebody else’s hand. Before hand in over, we have washed and cleaned you. Love u black vios! :)

Love abah and mama!

Thank you for bringing me in to this world. Nothing can beats the love and care given to me through out in raising me. Love u two very much from the bottom of my heart! 

Friday, December 29, 2023

Among my pending list

Every year memang ada banyak list and task yg nak dihabiskan by year end. As for me.

1. Completed my one and only story book this year. Started reading it back somewhere in march 2023 and somewhere last week in Dec 2023, i finally completed it. Yaay!

2. My quran reading - not yet finish. Now i am in juz 28. And then i am off for period. So kena postpone to january or february 2024. Inshaallah. :)

3. Completed my puasa ganti for the latest year yg i tak dapat puasa. Alhamdulillah. The last day tu memang challenging sikit.

4. Wanted to just colour my hair, tapi ended up doing highlight as well. Hurmm.. bila dah seminggu tengok rambut rasa i prefer one hair colour only look more suitable with me and more elegant. :)

5. It is also a week after husband send me to a facial spa. Ok rasa much different. Muka rasa lebih bersih and skin tone better. Thank you belanja.

6. Keep exercising. Yess!!! It is every months aim. To keep fit & healthy. Inshaallah.

Semoga yang lebih baik for next year.

Last friday of 2023 - with a long post :)

Its nearly to the end of year for 2023. Well, let me try to recap the things that occured that i can slightly remember or not. 

January- school starting for zayyan for the first time. Awal2 tu banyak noo hal tak nak pegi school. Teacher garang lah, takde kawan lah, boring lah. Tp now alhamdulillah he is having so much fun.

February-most of us sick this time. Alhamdulillah recovering.

March-getting ready for puasa. And raya thingy. Zafran is in form 1. New environment, new friends. Wishing for all the best for him. For the two adiks, continue schooling.

April-raya, raya, raya, raya…selamat hari raya. Beraya-ing like usual and receiving guest to our new house. Last year mainly was for immediate family. This year mainly for cousins, aunties, uncles, feiends… 

May-zayyan 1st experience school sports day and of course happy sangat sebab dpt gold medal utk acara rumah hijau. Yaay!

June- last minute planning for zara 11 birthday party bash. To invite all of her classmates. From food to decor, to goodies and cake. Alhamdulillah it went well walaupun hari tu quite hot.

Also birthday zafran.

July-business as usual. Hehehe. School and work and also weekend jalan2 mall.

August-our 14th anniversary. Zayyan’s 6th birthday and our family trip to langkawi. Nak bawak zayyan naik aeroplane. :)

September-zayyan demam, batuk, flu balik from langkawi. Maybe penat and weather.

October- husband birthday. Went for dewa 19 concert. Been wanting to go for a concert since my last time. Tq belanja. :)

November- my birthday. Becoming a lil bit emotional tapi kena control yah. I have been fighting with my own emotional state and mind thinking. Mcm ish here ish there.

December - last month of 2023. Masih ada lagi fighting with own emotion tapi found it more relax after i told my husband and let it out. It is not that i simply accusing him of something i didnt see or witness tp i just say my words to him of what i am expecting of him. If there is anything i should improve please let me know. And plus pray to God for ketenangan hidup, dipermudahkan urusan & dipanjangkan umur. :) aaminnn…

Monday, December 25, 2023

Tayar kereta viva crack

We swapped car for two days sebab husband got teambuilding out of klang valley. So i drove my car lah. Pastu lucky gi keluar awal friday tu. Sebab zara nak beli present for her school teacher that is transferring to another school. We stopped by to wash our car first when the guy told me my back tire is flat. I started feeling nervous, stopped by kejap dekat tempat isi angin kat sebelah carwash tu. And then i decised to drive straight away to the tire shop. And the workshop man said kak, tayar kereta awak pancit lah. Kena tukar lah apalagi. Bahaya kot nak beround2 bawak budak. Ended up mintak tolong BIL to send and and pick kids from school. Sian diorang. Lucky BIL belum pergi semayang jumaat lagi. Hurmm… thanks a lot. So nearly 1.30pm setel semua and terus pegi lunch. Sian budak kena sidai kejap kat kedai tire. :)

Christmas hols 2023

Its reaching the year end of 2023 when christmas has come. :) actually wanted to go for a picnic but husband tak sihat pulak. Batuk, flu & demam. Kepala on off ada pening2. Badan part sendi2 tu sakit sakit. Did covid19 test and tested negative. Alhamdulillah. Maybe dia penat sangat kot. Balik from boyzz trip macam takde rest. Sampai baru ni. Plus our weather now not so friendly. Looks like haze, pastu sekejap hujan pastu panas pastu mendung. Kena banyak minum air kosong, and rest. Currently myself plak rasa tekak tak berapa best. So i did drink plenty of water and took lozenges. Get well soon everyone. 

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Girls outing

Last saturday, daughter’s friend ask her out for an outing for 2-3 hours at a mall nearby. Pastu after sesi soal jawab dgn daddy, finally it is approved. Annnddd mummy need to accompany her there. Drop her to her friends and then i am off to my own activities. :) okk mulalah been thinking what i am supposed to do, nak buat apa ehh? Soo.. we started rounding dlm supermarket tengok2 kot ada baju or seluar or skirts yg i minat nak tambah dlm collection i. . None. To the next store. Ok none. Banyak pulak restriction. Pastu fed up, stop by makan icecream. Then daughter called ckp mummy kat mana. I said lah makan kat baskin robbins. So here she goes. Joining me together with her friends makan ice cream :p hahahahaha… pstu send them to food court and off i go to the most tmpt paling best to spend another 30 mins. Last2 apa yg i beli is bekas simpan beras. Hehehehe.. sebab terdikor ada beras basmathi yg takde tempat. Ikat bunjit je. Ok there goes my me time. Instead of buying things for me, i ended up buying things for house. :) memang sindrom mak2. And bekas tu comel muji style. Cukup lah utk basmathi sbb bukan banyak sgt kilo i beli. Sometimes 2kg sometimes 5 kg so i guess the space is enough. 

Harry potter cafe

Been wanted to try this cute cafe but only in ipoh. I was attracted because the cafe is based on a book character Harry Potter.:) pusing pusing and finally lepas breakfast we found the place. Nearby concubine lane. And itu lah lane yang paling famous in ipoh. :) vey like the cafe of course. Got the costume to be rented, then bought coffee then take pictures, jalan2 jalan area situ . And mmg surprisingly terpesona dengan kawasan tu. Berjaya diorang buat tmpt tu a tourist attraction. So cute. :) we even tried the kuih air hujan ke titik hujan. Made of agar2. Tapi pelik rupa dia. :) 

Our ipoh trip

Been wanting to go and bring kids for a short trip to somewhere nearby. Ipoh is not that near not that far tapi sebab husband’s driving fast enough, we reached there in more or less 3 hours journey. It was a tiberr plan on that saturday. Cakap2 borak terus pack bag and off we go. Been riding in the new innova rasa best. Maybe dah lama tak jalan jauh in a proper car. Pastu mummy lah very very the mixed feelings. :) alhamdulillah through out the journey, traffic was ok, road was ok, weather sepanjang jalan panas je. Takde raining. 

1st stop is mee mat jasak. Dah lama nak makan sebenarnya since 2021 sbb kedai tu tutup. Kita sampai lambat. So we eat the signature mee kicap. I am not a mee lover tapi i give A+ to the food. Rare. Kat sini rasanya takde. 

Petang tu bawak kids gi kinta waterfront, main scooter. Pastu round2 tepi park tu. Biasalah mesti ada banyak kedai makan. We decided to come again for dinner. After pegi park, kita pegi night market dia. The weather is good, so merayau lah kat pasar tu. Takde beli apa pun. Saja round2 tengok behaviour orang. Night market dia more or less is the same dgn kat klang valley ni. Tapi barang2 dia ada je yg rare mcm old books, old cds, toys, baju design weird an dof course food. Hahahaha.. anyway we really enjoyed it. :)

Monday, December 18, 2023

Reminiscing moments during teenagers to early 20s

 holla... it feels good to be writing back. sometimes i wonder what's is it that is in to me that i found it difficult to write even some simple things around me. i remember that i used to write in my blog since i was 20s and even before that when i was still in high school. i wrote it in a book. :) in the past few days or yeah maybe in between 2 weeks time, been wanting to listen to those songs in the late 90s in the early 20s. that time it was like only me, me, me and me. but yeah people do grow. getting older, getting matured, getting married, having kids, quitting jobs, and more. have u even thought that what if this what if that, your life must be different than now right. my emotions wasnt really stable. and i feel like i donno to whom i shall let it out or where should i express it. and i rasa ishhh apa ni. i dont like this situation. like everything i do like i cant think properly k. ;( its like how i feel towards my husband, for the kids wellbeing, for my parents, for myself. but i do know when this things happened, i should turn back to Him. the one and only that can make your sadness dissapear... takpe. He is always there. boleh je cakap. :)

talking bout my title for today, what i mean was the songs that i used to listen then. and can sing along shouting and yelling. :) like from britney, mandy moore, avril lavinge, shania twain, hahahaha... best! the old time songs. 

Friday, December 15, 2023

How often do u want to hear your partner say i love you

Hehehehe… some random topic that i wanted to post about. It depends on each individual. But for myself as often as i like to hear it like maybe once a day. And maybe the most appropriate time is before i go to sleep.  Yepp.. been listening to some speeches saying that you should not go to sleep if u are sad, angry with your partner, you should say sorry if there are any wrongdoings you have done, and of course say i love you as many times in one day. Inshaallah the feeling rasa tenang sangat. And dont forget to berdoa to Allah supaya pasangan kita dapat menyenangkan hati, membahagiakan kita, dan bersama2 ke better road. Aminnn. :) :)

Monday, December 11, 2023

Late post - zayyan’s graduation

It was held on 5th nov. Didnt upload in last month. Macam terlupa tapi ingat tapi simply i think i made no time for it. Itupun nasib ada posting in last month or else there will not be any updates here in my blog. :) alhamdulillah. Our youngest one har completed his pre-school already. Completed graduation with concert sekali. :) the past one month he been practising with his schoolmates to perform the task and soo cute seeing all of the kids dancing and seeing together. Costume pulak ayyan kena pakai baju mexico. Comel yoo.. alhamdulillah and congratulations :) 

Friday, December 8, 2023

Took my daughter to shopping

Ye lah. Dah pandai request kat daddy. Pastu mummy kena bawak dia some other time sebab daddy cakap nanti abang & zayyan tak boleh diam so susah nak test test baju semua. Ke daddy sebenarnya malas. Soo dia assign lah mummy pegi bawak ala utut. Ok so last monday we went to look for her top. And finally jumpa jugak tapi kat section ladies (kena amik size S) sbb kat section kanak2 dah takde aize utk dia. Macam she is now in between. Test test dalam 4-5 baju and finally dah jumpa baju yg dia nak. And surprisingly, si kecik tu pun nak baju jugak, nak try dalam dirtinf room, and choose that one color yg rasanya tengah trending sekarang. Layannnn kan si kecikz 

Holla December - abah’s birthday

Its reaching the end of year 2023. Alhamdulillah.

1st December - get together with family for abah’s 74 years old. Alhamdulillah. Grateful and happy. We had dinner at a local nearby seafood restaurant cuma the setback the time they took to serve the food mcm lambat sikit eventhough tak ramai customer sangat malam tu.