Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 29, 2023

Last friday of 2023 - with a long post :)

Its nearly to the end of year for 2023. Well, let me try to recap the things that occured that i can slightly remember or not. 

January- school starting for zayyan for the first time. Awal2 tu banyak noo hal tak nak pegi school. Teacher garang lah, takde kawan lah, boring lah. Tp now alhamdulillah he is having so much fun.

February-most of us sick this time. Alhamdulillah recovering.

March-getting ready for puasa. And raya thingy. Zafran is in form 1. New environment, new friends. Wishing for all the best for him. For the two adiks, continue schooling.

April-raya, raya, raya, raya…selamat hari raya. Beraya-ing like usual and receiving guest to our new house. Last year mainly was for immediate family. This year mainly for cousins, aunties, uncles, feiends… 

May-zayyan 1st experience school sports day and of course happy sangat sebab dpt gold medal utk acara rumah hijau. Yaay!

June- last minute planning for zara 11 birthday party bash. To invite all of her classmates. From food to decor, to goodies and cake. Alhamdulillah it went well walaupun hari tu quite hot.

Also birthday zafran.

July-business as usual. Hehehe. School and work and also weekend jalan2 mall.

August-our 14th anniversary. Zayyan’s 6th birthday and our family trip to langkawi. Nak bawak zayyan naik aeroplane. :)

September-zayyan demam, batuk, flu balik from langkawi. Maybe penat and weather.

October- husband birthday. Went for dewa 19 concert. Been wanting to go for a concert since my last time. Tq belanja. :)

November- my birthday. Becoming a lil bit emotional tapi kena control yah. I have been fighting with my own emotional state and mind thinking. Mcm ish here ish there.

December - last month of 2023. Masih ada lagi fighting with own emotion tapi found it more relax after i told my husband and let it out. It is not that i simply accusing him of something i didnt see or witness tp i just say my words to him of what i am expecting of him. If there is anything i should improve please let me know. And plus pray to God for ketenangan hidup, dipermudahkan urusan & dipanjangkan umur. :) aaminnn…

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