Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Our ipoh trip

Been wanting to go and bring kids for a short trip to somewhere nearby. Ipoh is not that near not that far tapi sebab husband’s driving fast enough, we reached there in more or less 3 hours journey. It was a tiberr plan on that saturday. Cakap2 borak terus pack bag and off we go. Been riding in the new innova rasa best. Maybe dah lama tak jalan jauh in a proper car. Pastu mummy lah very very the mixed feelings. :) alhamdulillah through out the journey, traffic was ok, road was ok, weather sepanjang jalan panas je. Takde raining. 

1st stop is mee mat jasak. Dah lama nak makan sebenarnya since 2021 sbb kedai tu tutup. Kita sampai lambat. So we eat the signature mee kicap. I am not a mee lover tapi i give A+ to the food. Rare. Kat sini rasanya takde. 

Petang tu bawak kids gi kinta waterfront, main scooter. Pastu round2 tepi park tu. Biasalah mesti ada banyak kedai makan. We decided to come again for dinner. After pegi park, kita pegi night market dia. The weather is good, so merayau lah kat pasar tu. Takde beli apa pun. Saja round2 tengok behaviour orang. Night market dia more or less is the same dgn kat klang valley ni. Tapi barang2 dia ada je yg rare mcm old books, old cds, toys, baju design weird an dof course food. Hahahaha.. anyway we really enjoyed it. :)

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