Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas hols 2023

Its reaching the year end of 2023 when christmas has come. :) actually wanted to go for a picnic but husband tak sihat pulak. Batuk, flu & demam. Kepala on off ada pening2. Badan part sendi2 tu sakit sakit. Did covid19 test and tested negative. Alhamdulillah. Maybe dia penat sangat kot. Balik from boyzz trip macam takde rest. Sampai baru ni. Plus our weather now not so friendly. Looks like haze, pastu sekejap hujan pastu panas pastu mendung. Kena banyak minum air kosong, and rest. Currently myself plak rasa tekak tak berapa best. So i did drink plenty of water and took lozenges. Get well soon everyone. 

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