Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 15, 2023

How often do u want to hear your partner say i love you

Hehehehe… some random topic that i wanted to post about. It depends on each individual. But for myself as often as i like to hear it like maybe once a day. And maybe the most appropriate time is before i go to sleep.  Yepp.. been listening to some speeches saying that you should not go to sleep if u are sad, angry with your partner, you should say sorry if there are any wrongdoings you have done, and of course say i love you as many times in one day. Inshaallah the feeling rasa tenang sangat. And dont forget to berdoa to Allah supaya pasangan kita dapat menyenangkan hati, membahagiakan kita, dan bersama2 ke better road. Aminnn. :) :)

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