Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 25, 2023

Tayar kereta viva crack

We swapped car for two days sebab husband got teambuilding out of klang valley. So i drove my car lah. Pastu lucky gi keluar awal friday tu. Sebab zara nak beli present for her school teacher that is transferring to another school. We stopped by to wash our car first when the guy told me my back tire is flat. I started feeling nervous, stopped by kejap dekat tempat isi angin kat sebelah carwash tu. And then i decised to drive straight away to the tire shop. And the workshop man said kak, tayar kereta awak pancit lah. Kena tukar lah apalagi. Bahaya kot nak beround2 bawak budak. Ended up mintak tolong BIL to send and and pick kids from school. Sian diorang. Lucky BIL belum pergi semayang jumaat lagi. Hurmm… thanks a lot. So nearly 1.30pm setel semua and terus pegi lunch. Sian budak kena sidai kejap kat kedai tire. :)

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