Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Girls outing

Last saturday, daughter’s friend ask her out for an outing for 2-3 hours at a mall nearby. Pastu after sesi soal jawab dgn daddy, finally it is approved. Annnddd mummy need to accompany her there. Drop her to her friends and then i am off to my own activities. :) okk mulalah been thinking what i am supposed to do, nak buat apa ehh? Soo.. we started rounding dlm supermarket tengok2 kot ada baju or seluar or skirts yg i minat nak tambah dlm collection i. . None. To the next store. Ok none. Banyak pulak restriction. Pastu fed up, stop by makan icecream. Then daughter called ckp mummy kat mana. I said lah makan kat baskin robbins. So here she goes. Joining me together with her friends makan ice cream :p hahahahaha… pstu send them to food court and off i go to the most tmpt paling best to spend another 30 mins. Last2 apa yg i beli is bekas simpan beras. Hehehehe.. sebab terdikor ada beras basmathi yg takde tempat. Ikat bunjit je. Ok there goes my me time. Instead of buying things for me, i ended up buying things for house. :) memang sindrom mak2. And bekas tu comel muji style. Cukup lah utk basmathi sbb bukan banyak sgt kilo i beli. Sometimes 2kg sometimes 5 kg so i guess the space is enough. 

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