Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 30, 2007

last day of the month

holla everyone. it's like almost a week i didn't update my blog. life seems to be quite bz n pack for me as this week i did not drive to work. dad's car is in d workshop so he had to drive the other car. so i have to take trains to work loh.. first day, i was late. i reached almost 9. but subsequently, tuesday n wednesday, managed to come b4 8.30 but yesterday since my mood was a bit out so i also reached almost 9 n today i reached 5 past 9. hahaha... takpela.. after raya i tried to keep my attendance as good as i can so basically only this week i was pretty late coz i had to use the public transport.

in the old times, i like taking public transport mostly to many places la. buses, cabbies, taxis, lrt n komuter. bcoz u know y.. not that many ppl like now n the timing is always right. tapi la ni.. omigod...!! pack like what je... if it is peak hours especially going back time more worse. it's like sardine in the tin... n that can cause me tired la.. n after i reached home, cleaned up, makan, watch a bit tv then it's time to sleep coz i need to wake u by 6 the next day to catch the train.

so, yesterday, i was down. so i slept at my fren's house. she lives nearby only. told mum bout i moving out tp she said she doesn't agree with my choice sbb nowadays bnyk benda tak elok happens. so.. that makes me think to work harder kumpul $$ to kawin. hmm.. if org lain blh lak move out.. smp time i sumer tak blh..not fair tau..

btw.. it is the last day of the month. then dec 2007. few more days b4 year 2008. may next year will become another good story. insya-Allah. semlm hubby ckp kena pg t'ganu tp tadi die ckp tak jadi lak. actually i was kind of sad sbb die nk pegi jauh tp sbb die ckp nak cr experience so i pk takpela. for our benefits as well... hmmm....

may all of you have a wonderful weekend. =)

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