Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, February 29, 2008

hey ya

stil @ ofis. =) jap lg nak gi dinner then br blk umah. k la. tata. nnt kat umah i post topics lg k. chiow!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

ratata train

today disebabkan i worried psl keta, took train to work. bgn ard 6.15am. slalu i bgn 6.45am. hehe.. tp smp awal pun train lmbt 10min. hmm.. btw, reached ofis b4 8.30am. beli nasi lemak for bfast sbb food yg b4 kuar tadi dh digest n tenaga dh digunakan untuk menaiki train.
hari ni i wat ape ar? wat keje la. tapi ard 3.30 cam tu i dh macam tak keruan.tak tau psl ape. i blur camne nk balik umah. suddenly tak blh jd independent woman. haha.. then tanye ita die jln gi monorail. i pun ikut la skali. roughly dlm 540 i pun bergerak pulang. hehehe..syok blk awal. smp sentral tup tup train smp. smp shah alam dlm 7. then naik taxi smp umah dlm 715. cpt kan. syok sbb stil blum gelap.
skang dah mandi n tgh makan nasi while blogging. i ade not so gud news, hubby tak sihat la. die cam nak pengsan. salah makan kot. told him to take care rest then g jumpe doctor. love u so much. next week nk start keje dh. camne ni? anything let me kno ok. tara.. nak gi basuh pinggan pastu nk mkn scott emulsion orangy. nyum!nyum!
oh, tdi i ade snap snap pic kat ofis ngan kengkawan. nnt bile dh trf i upload ok.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

@ home

*wink*wink* i ok skang ni. dun worry. hari ni tak tau apsal lapar beno. kan tadi i ckp bfast mula2 makan 3 slice of bread + milo, kat ofis, bfast bihun, then in between b4 lunch i ate ROCKY! ROCKY! strawberry flavour. then lunch time nasi pastu ptg makan i small bar of black forest cadbury choc. my fren ckp takleh nak bayangkan if i pregnant. mesti bnyk food kat dlm drawer. then smp umah lapar plak. then, tgk nasi ade, goreng telur then makan nasi + telur + kicap+ ayam goreng. full.. kenyang. nw while online makan kuih dahlia plak. tadi mum beli kat shah alam mall. die pegi ngan abah n bros. i was alone at home. see.. bnyk giler saya makan. hehe. pastu my colleagues ckp die ni mkn bnyk tp tak gemuk2 pun. boss i ckp high metabolism. i skang dh start amik scott emulsion blk. orange flavour. for antibody.

hari ni b ade interviu kat pb. hopefully it success tapi die ckp die lega sbb dh takde interviu lg. whatever it is, he's going to start his job this coming 1st march. wish him all the best.

hmm..skang topic tak best blk.. keta i masa nak balik tf senggut2 blk. y ar? y ar? esk i naik train la. worried plak kang. nnt nk diskusi ngan b la.

early morning

i'm @ ofis nw. tgh breakfast. bihun putih. this morning ate 3 slice of bread with milo. but stil i want to eat nw or else i'll be lapar. yesterday was really bad ok. yalah.. all of the things. mum la. apa lagi. i lost my temper k. n hubby said i shouldn't act that way coz she is sick but arrgghh.. i tension k. tension sgt. i cried like nobody's business. hubby ckp i terlalu ikut emotion n feelings which is damn bad.

b4 that, i happy happy balik from pasar malam. i bought roti john n kuey tiow. damn full. tapi half way back from ofis. keta cam senggut-senggut. a bit worry. bile jln cam nak mati enjin. hubby ckp tu maybe time minyak dh kering then stil jalan, so all the keladak of minyak plus air dh bercampur then the car tak leh nak burn properly that's y la camtu. i was worried til this morning when i'm on my way to work. tapi towards half way dah takde. dh ok blk. alhamdulillah. lps ni kena maintain level minyak btul2 kn. nnt i yg balik risau risau.

oklah. nak habiskan makan then nk start work. hari ni nak wat ape ar? =)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


bosan..situation..situation..sorry hubby..

Monday, February 25, 2008


we went to watch jumper. really nice show. the last time we went for a movie was like a month ago. that time, we watched sweeny todd. hehe. cool la. hubby cam comel sbb die ckp jump then lompat sejemput je. aler..ler..ler..cute. hehe. really enjoy the show. mula2 cam malas. i dah tertido then ard 5.15pm hubby called ckp die dh dekat umah. i pun haa..apalagi basuh muka then trus salin baju out we go. sometimes cam syok kan. bile plan2 tak jadi pegi, bile tak plan trus jadi. tu yg syok tu.

one more GOOD news! hubby sudah dpt itu keje. wish him luck n congrats. i pun rs excited. next monday start. hehe.. good luck yang. welcome to the new world. that is working world. hopefully dpt give u more experience in going thru this life. whatever it is, i'll alwiz b by urside. wil alwiz pray for u. lps ni bnyk benda kite nak plan kan yang. so, nnt let me kno ur experience k. tak sabar nak dgr stories.

feel like posting more pics


*wink*wink* emergency. i kena blk umah sbb sgt la emergency. tak sangka sgt ok wrong timing la. nasib baik i pakai seluar color hitam. not that obvious. dh basah k my pants. aiyo.. so kena la amik EL. hehe. malu je. at first ingat nk stay tp sbb bau blood k so kena balik la sbb tak comfortable lagi satu. ni kat umah la. dh clean up tp tgh tunggu nak lunch. tak tau nk lunch ngan sape. nak lunch ape. mum takde skang ni. mane2 ntah die ni pegi. adoi. Ya Allah, tabahkan la hati ku ini. Aminn. tp i rasa i lepak umah je kot. cam nak hujan pun ade gak. i online la. jap gi lunch. hehe. btw.. shh.. *wink*wink* emergency .. emergency ..

Sunday, February 24, 2008

more pics


as promised, these are some photos that we shoot yesterday n today. i managed to install n trf those pics. syok!!

sunday's clas

hari ni i ade clas. balik roughly ard 1230 tadi. pastu trus makan sbb lapar. mum masak nasi n ayam gorneg. takpe la. at least lapik perut dulu la kan. later going out maybe to watch a movie or maybe juz jalan2. dunno yet. let hubby decide. i told him kan skang ni weekend i rasa asyik nak kuar je weekend. malas duduk umah. dulu kan masa baru2 keje je sgt malas nk kuar. nk duduk umah je. nk tido. nw rasanye dh boleh cope dgn situation n sbb everyday keje so weekend rasa cam nak keluar gak. jalan2 kan tapi ade gak rs nak lepak je. depends. hehe. i baru clean up some space kat c drive. nnt nk install camera's software. hehe. parents n bob balik kampung. mum ade hal kat sane. ptg or mlm la kot br diorang blk sini. i n farid je at home.
* happy * happy *

Saturday, February 23, 2008

dating + shopping

ard 230 kuar. wanted to go to bb like i said earlier tapi tak jadi. cam bengang sket la plus the situation siang tadi bout mum la. dh la hari panas, my hati pun panas, air-cond keta pun panas. whoosshh.. amik hubby kat umah die then ade arguement sket tapi as usual la ..hubby akan buat tak tau bile i emo. hehe.. we gi mid valley sbb nk cari sony centre. then akhirnye.. sudah ku beli itu digi cam. nnt i psot pic of it ok. it is pink in colour. tadi dh try snap snap pic dlm keta. hehe.. like it la i feel it's worth it ok. i said to him i treated myself to this camera sbb that day i pass exam. hehe.. thanx n congrats to my self. btw mood ku sudah ok. hubby jgn marah eh. die pun beli perfume ck eternity. the smell when we first time met. almost 8 years ago.. =)

balik clas

yup.. that's rite.. nw i lapar.. jap gi nk pegi mkn nasi ngan farid. actually i wanted to go out straight fr clas. nk gi bb. tapi hubby banyak sgt errands le. ni bengang ni pastu i dunno what time he roughly gonna finish with it. aiisshh.. dh tension. dh tension.. whatever it is i'm going out by 2. i malas nk duduk kat umah skang. situation tgh tegang sket ni. tapi as usual.. sabar n sabar n sabar. org lain tak sabar pun. dh la shima. mengarut je n membebel. y not u juz siap2. go makan then go la jalan2 k.

Friday, February 22, 2008

precious old china restaurant

that's where we go for lunch today. our boss's birthday. the place really like ancient coz it has all the antiques patungs plus deco. mostly from baba n nyonya's style. hehe. yesterday, the manager told me that they r going to set up the room with baloons but they couldn't make it coz they got no time la. nvm, by the way, we bought a choc cake downstairs. at king's. then while waiting for the orders to arrived, we actually told the manager to juz take out the cake n eat while waiting coz we r STARVING. haha.. then smp ofis balik ard 3.15pm. the place is nearby ofis only. so roughly take 15min to get there. few photos taken there.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


actually i mcm suke at this one handbag. i cam suke sbb die pelik plus colourful. hehe. tapi hari tu baru beli handbag mahal satu. i tau hubby mesti tak kasi beli kan. die kata membazir. baik u simpan n kumpul to keluarkan 1 myvi for future use. hehe.. myvi or bag? myvi or bag? myvi lo..

nvm la

i ni nak tido jap lagi. ngantuk la. tadi balik awal gak. hehe. made a few arrangements for boss's birthday tomoro. plus transportation. nnt dh amik gambar then i'll post it ok. syok. hehe.. hari ni i sgt sejuk kat ofis n terasa la lapar sket. makan roti bilis 3 ketul k. hehe.. balik tadi lepak lepak kemas barang nak bawak esok then baru mandi. then baru makan nasi. nw alhamdulillah kenyang.

mum today? as usual la. tapi make sure she makan ubt la. sis said she juz need some attention. but u know la kite mmg kena bnyk sabar. plus kena kawal emotion kite sket. ubt tu mmg kena makan til end of her life.

ni tgh survey nak cari pembantu yg blh datang pagi then balik petang. hari tu dh ckp kat abah pastu die macam tak agree. let me cari dulu la kat mana yang ade. so at least when none of us at home, die takde la melara or pk yg bukan2. rite. am i rite. tapi nak tanye sape ni. blur n lost plak bab bab ni. will tanye jgk la ask ard ok.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

no title can ar..

haa.. kena la bob. tadi dad masuk bilik jap nak amik iron board. pastu die tgk atas tv tu fon colour lain. bob nye la. i dunno sape yg kasi kat die. his one yg nokia6650 tu dh rosak so die tak ckp kat dad. die juz simpan dlm almari n sbb tak nak dad tau die gune phone lain. pastu la ni dad dah tau. habis la. i plak yg kena bnyk soal. mana la i tau. tapi i tau mmg dah rosak. he told some time ago. die ckp biase la boys yg pakai. sekejap je rosk. hmm.. ntahla.. pastu dad kejut die die tak sedar. ngantuk. separuh weng.. tunggu la esok. mesti kena tanye. pastu nangis cam dulu. aduh! another scne in a drama at home. dh la skang ni mmg ade drame di rumah ini. hehe.. macam2. but as what i said. sabar je la ye. =)

balik awal

hari ni i balik awal. dlm 6.10pm dh kuar from ofis. hehe..syoknye. semalam pun i balik lambat ard 9.30pm did some filing n session mengemas meja. baru clear sket la tapi kena tunggu a few arch files sbb dah habis. we dh request. most prob esok la dpt kot. smp umah dlm 6.45pm then trus dinner sbb lapar. pastu rest lepak baru mandi. cam syok plak smp awal. haha.. nw tgh mkn roti. lapik perut.

siang td i lunch ngan hubby kat tupai2. hubby br blk fr interviu. syian die pening+risau+blur. takpe take it as it comes ok. i will alwiz pray fr u. =)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


i found out today i can claim. so after bath, dinner, i search for all the bills and receipts. at first i couldn't found 1 receipt amounting to rm450, then i re-search and re-search finally jumpe. dlm envelope dlm envelope. dah kumpul then put inside one file. tomoro nak photocopy pastu pass kat kak zai.

today we had lunch at tupai2. i ate nasi+telur dadar+sayur cornflower+ikan masak kicap+air laici+air suam. kenyang. soo belanje. i was like segan plak tapi shirley ckp takpela. soo belanje. she later can claim rite.

today's my mum's appointment with the doctor. dad took her to the hospital. dad said the doctor told her that she is stressed. hmm.. tu je ke. i tak boleh nak korek story lagi sbb die cam taknak citer je. nantila.. i try to cari ok. hari ni i makan lauk tomyam. nasi lembik sket. dunno sape masak tapi alhamdulillah ade jgk makanan. blh makan. hehe.. =)

hubby tadi bz sket. sbb he got big interview tomoro. die pegi survey jalan ngan arid. hopefully he manage to get it n gud luck + all the best + i know u can do it insya-Allah be confident orait. drive safely.

ohh..tadi while nak tunggu page loading, i terpandang satu tupperware cookies. ingat cookies ape la tadi. rupa-rupanye biskut favourite i. kuih dahlia. hehe =) dah makan tak tau berapa ketul. skang tinggal sket je. haha.. sedap jgk la. dah lame tak makan. usually makan masa raya je. skang ni beli mesti murah kan. hehe.. oklah. pasni nak minum air kosong. past nak titon. nighty nite!!

Monday, February 18, 2008


well..well..hari yang mendebarkan sudah tiba. jeng..jeng..jeng..i was thinking bout it last nite n by last nite i tot to check my results til 4pm the next day. then, when after lunch, haizum msg me n asked me whether have i check my results. i was like.. what? oh.. forgot at first. then i was a bit scared la. i juz berdoa bnyk2 then it's time to check. i check email dulu pastu takde pape pun. check ngan haizum then die ckp thru accaglobal. i pun enter the web page. step by step til i get to view my results. i was like haa.. PASS i was so happy that i passed. i menjerit n rasa nak nangis.. plus i can't describe that feelings la. sangat-sangat-sangat happy. i called mum, hubby, told few frens n they r happy for me too. thanks.. thankks.. alhamdulillah. sangat bersyukur. weehoo... =) then, gi makan to celebrate. i kat ofis tadi cam weng sekejap sebab tak tentu arah. jalan sana jalan sini.. takleh nak focus. then told my boss bout it. told hr as well. hehehe.. =D

nak dijadikan cerita, masa nak balik tu keta i kena block. than punye lame tunggu bout 15min. lastly hubby reverse keta die then honk! honk! terkejut sume orang. at last indian guy tu punye keta. kelam kabut die alih keta. gud for him. teach him a lesson. btw, i tak berape marah sbb hati gembira ma.. hahahah.. =) weehoo... !! thanks to all for supporting me.. AMIN!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

time to sleep

well every one. it's time to sleep sbb i dah ngantuk. dah kenyang makan nasi. good nite..

new year

that day can't upload photo. nw can. a picture of us celebrating new year but sory u can't see the fireworks. really nice tau..


yaay.. i'm sooo..happy coz i went shopping earlier. i bought 2 skirts. will get more skirts soon.

bipolar mood

a weird topic guess so. mum's having it. it was really a bad situation for me coz i'm so stressed out.. stressed to the max. luckily the experience from past taught me few stuff. how to handle things.

well, s you all wanna know. bipolar mood tu is kind of a symptom. everyone might have it but it's juz how u control ur mind and emotions. that's y ppl say, it's not good to juz follow ur heart or else u'll be something like this. what i read b4 is that, those with this mood is that, there are 2 types. 1st hyper, 2nd depressed. when u r in a hyper mood, u tend to speak nonsense plus all the things from past. n u will say everything that you r not supposed to say. selalunye orang yang terlalu memendam perasaan ni will face this. sbb diorang tu tak reti nak express feelings so, when they r in hyper mood. they'll say everything in their heart. they will also tend to spend a lot of $$ without knowing that what they bougt. n at this time we will know what actually are they hiding for, i repeat yah.. 'DON'T KEEP ALL YOUR FEELINGS TO YOURSELF, IF YOU DON'T FEEL RIGHT, EXPRESSED IT' it's very important! btw, 2nd type will be that u will tend to sleep the whole day. u penat, tired, n u tak nak buat any single thing pun sbb u penat.

actually my mum memang kena depend on medication til she dies. tapi when her mood is ok, she said we wanted to kill her by giving all those pills. hmm.. i've made an appointment next tuesday to take her to psychiatrist. at the moment, everyone around mum should speak normally and should treat her the way we used to treat her when she's ok. but at times, i'm so fuck stressed, i can't take it ok. i cam tak puas hati ngan my dad n eldest sis. takkan we 4 orang je nak jaga mak. btw, what is the point of marrying if ur husband can't take care of urself. hello.. think la positively. already told that but he as usual sibuk main golf. time time camni pun nak main golf. tinggal mum with us, then we all takleh nak kuar umah plak. we all pun nak jalani normal lives.. jalan2.. tgk movie.. shopping.. hhmm.. apala. pastu ade expertise kat umah pun cam tak len nak membantu. baik je takyah belajar tinggi2. bukan nak help parents kan. luckily on net.. we got a lot of info. plus our guts that we have to go n see doctors to find out what is that all about.

so, to those whose their family members r having this kind of situation, i suggest that you all search n read all infos on it. u have to be strong to handle situations n please keep all the bank cards, knifes, locks, car keys n anything u can think of so that the person who is in that position will not harm themselves. n make sure the person always take their medication on time. so, their emotions are well-stable.

yesterday, we n elder sis cried on the phone. we were like regret for having a dad n eldest sis like that. not helpful. but takpela.. nenek ckp sabar la shima sabar la shima.. kita berikhtiar n berdoa kat tuhan semoga mereka berada dalam keadaan yang selamat. "YA ALLAH YA TUHANKU BERILAH KETENANGAN DAN KUATKAN LAH IMAN KU INI" "AMIN YA-RABBAL ALAMIN"

a tired weekend

i went back home late from office for the last few days. finally my Board's paper is done n it's ready to be circulate on monday. i'm currently listening to music. plus juz now watched a few stupid vids on youtube. haha.. so funny.. well, wanted to redo my hair tapi tunggu dulu la sbb $$. hehe.. most prob next weekend or the week after that. so, most prob jap gi nak gi makan tepanyaki. venue? dunno yet. will decide that later. tapi i nak gi shopping.. hubby ckp "SHOPPING.. SHOPPING.. SHOPPING.." hehe.. favourite ma. dah lame tak bershopping. eh.. eh.. jap last week dah beli baju baru kan. anyway dah pakai pun last friday. tapi tak snap la baju tu plak. nanti la.. skang tgh malas sbb i takleh nak transfer gambar ke pc. nyampah ok. oh.. i'm hungry la at the moment. jap gi nak lunch. hari ni bangun lmbt. ard 10am. hehe.. after a few days i rasa like ting-tong sbb tak cukup tido.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

long holiday

hhmmm... y i say so. sbb 4 days holiday. cny.. happy chinese new year to those celebrating it. n happy holday to those who are not. btw, we all balik kampung. saturday morning baru balik cini. hehe. syok.. jalan2 tgk kain. juz surveying first. i kind of interested kat colour purple ni sbb among my fav. well, my fav kan pink+purple. tapi rilex r dulu. akan di survey ke tempat yg lain. hehe..

that day, yan belanja us dinner at port klang. kenyang. dh lame tak gi sane. i rasa last i pg time buka puasa hari tu. dgn hubBy. that was like 4 months ago. bnyk lauk pauk. seperti biase la. semalam lps lunch me n bros gi klcc. at first bob nak gi gig tapi i tak gi so i pancingla die gi jalan2 kat klcc. i bought this baju from ZARA. pusing2 like 3 4 kali masuk kedai tu. hehe.. if orang perasan kan "apa la pompuan ni, kuar masuk kuar masuk " hehe.. akhirnye beli jgk. lunch lagi kat burger king. lapar la plak kang. pusing2 ard 6.30pm balik gi subang parade. my bro nak cr kasut sekolah. dh bnyk kedai try tapi takde size. syian die. cam dah sedih je. tapi today die gi kedai kasut yg nearby my hse..haa.. kan ade size. pegi jauh2 at last ade kat shah alam. haha.. funny.. penat tau i semalam. kaki saya lenguh..

hubby balik kampung. ade family day. wah.. syoknye kan.. i ni tgh bengang sket sbb i nye cable nak trf gambar kat pc dah rosak. so,that day, i pinjam kawan nye. nnt nak beli yang baru la. tangkap bnyk2 pastu takleh gune. buhsan sungguh.. hmm =(

esok.. start keje balik. after long holiday. so.. chaiyok!chaiyok! positive thinking please.. hehe.. k la. nity nite..

Thursday, February 7, 2008


i am really really really not in a good mood. can't sleep. my heart beats faster n i feel hot. panas.. la.. i'm not satisfy. waiting for an explaination but b4 i get the explaination.. must talk n ask nicely.. if not won't be entertainn..

arrgghhh... tension la... not satisfied ok.. bengang.. bengang giler.. ape ni.. bullshit la... aiyo... NOT SATISFIED. !!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2008


new day of new month. dah satu bulan berlalu dalam tahun 2008. so fast kan. sekejap je i rasa. that day bz with year end reports now start bz balik for normal month end reports. cny pun dah dekat. a few more days. i dah lame tak blog kan. bout 1 week plus. hehe.. juz don't have the time to go n type type type.. takpelah.. when i got time i'll write.

1st feb. public holiday for kl coz it's federal teritory day. cuti.. yahhoo!! then yang syok tu bout i did last night la. me n my colleague zurina.. went for SHEILA MAJID IN CONCERT. best la. n i think it's worth it. at first i dah ajak faiz pegi tapi him like huh? sheila majid? not interested i pun =( then round 2 days later zurina asked me eh..shima jom tgk concert sheila majid nak. as well donating to ijn.. so we all pun tanpa berpk panjang next day decided nak pegi. so on that day, friday kan. we all check la website to find out where to find the ticket. ingat dekat ngan ofis je. then makan la. ard 1.45pm gerak sane skali samapi situ takde pun tix for sheila majid tapi futsal. aler.. then we all dah sedih. so on the way back to ofis.. supposingly friday masuk 2.30 kan. we all 2.30 dah depan ofis trus gamble gi istana budaya nak beli ticket. lucky jalan tak jam sgt. at last dpt jgk akhirnya. smp ofis blk 3.30.. hahaha.. takpela.. buat muka selambe je. then seperti biasa i tak sabar sabar la nak gi tgk concert tu. sampai la hari yang dijanjikan. i went out from house 6.15pm. smp klcc ard 6.40pm. tak jam sbb kl cuti. parked my car, jalan2 then had dinner at kfc. pastu dah setel, pray sume pegi la kat hall tu. then that time we saw only noryn aziz. the other artiste tak nampak pun lagi. ard 8.20 take our seats tapi cam tak best la sbb seats atas yg depan sekali cam terhalang dgn bars keselamatan tu. tapi walau bagaimanapun.. really enjoy the show until like 30 min later. everyone from level 3 turun bawah.. to join the empty seats for tix price @ rm350. we all duduk almost depan la. same row as tun mahadir n other vvips. hahha.. dekat gile.. n i'm very happy. we enjoyed ourselves there. sing along. tepuk tangan.. joget2.. hehe.. sebelah i ni cam uncle la.. tapi segan la sket.. hehe.. towards the end.. sume lagu best2. nyanyi n nyanyi n nyanyi.. hahaha.. gelak2. then sheila annouced some familiar faces like chef wan, dayang n anuar zain. habis almost 12 midnite. sumer orang really had fun.. she ended the concert with among my favourite song.. LAGENDA.. habis je kak zurina send me back to car park. i masa nak balik tu dah tersalah jalan sebenarnye. tapi i just make an affirmation.. takpe i akan jumpa jgk jln nye nnt. so at last i tembus balik istana budaya then from there i kno where to go to.. haha.. reached home round 1.15am. alhamdulillah takde pape on the way home. sampai cleaned up.. minum.. borak with brothers.. then the next thing i know is i have to wake up by 8am to go to clas... but nvm my heart feels nice..

i like lost giler sbb kena bangun awal. tido ard 2.30. bangun2, mandi, breakfast, tgk keta takde,, mintak my fren's favor to fetch me. masuk clas ard 9.45am. haha.. then class sejuk giler.. oh i met my old school mate. sheri. she still look the same. so sit next to her. pastu rushing balik sbb haizum nak balik kampung. got home rest jap.. makan mee goreng yg mum masak. a bit weird coz she you know la. juz take it easy this time. tapi i tau i'm getting thinner coz i'm stressed la kat umah. supposingly kat umah tak stress.. nyampah sungguh.. hmm.. biarlah.. but last nite's feelings stil ade lagi smp skang. hahaha.. very happy ..

sampai la satu sad moment tadi.. malas nak cite.. if nak tau sile tanye muhamad faiz marican sbb he know most of it. i cried .. sedih sgt. i don't expect him to say those words.tapi i'm sorry. i'm really sorry. i love u so much b. really n i mean it. love u.. love u.. love u.. but now my emotion a bit ok. just follow the flow.