Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, February 23, 2008

dating + shopping

ard 230 kuar. wanted to go to bb like i said earlier tapi tak jadi. cam bengang sket la plus the situation siang tadi bout mum la. dh la hari panas, my hati pun panas, air-cond keta pun panas. whoosshh.. amik hubby kat umah die then ade arguement sket tapi as usual la ..hubby akan buat tak tau bile i emo. hehe.. we gi mid valley sbb nk cari sony centre. then akhirnye.. sudah ku beli itu digi cam. nnt i psot pic of it ok. it is pink in colour. tadi dh try snap snap pic dlm keta. hehe.. like it la i feel it's worth it ok. i said to him i treated myself to this camera sbb that day i pass exam. hehe.. thanx n congrats to my self. btw mood ku sudah ok. hubby jgn marah eh. die pun beli perfume ck eternity. the smell when we first time met. almost 8 years ago.. =)

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