Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, February 18, 2008


well..well..hari yang mendebarkan sudah tiba. jeng..jeng..jeng..i was thinking bout it last nite n by last nite i tot to check my results til 4pm the next day. then, when after lunch, haizum msg me n asked me whether have i check my results. i was like.. what? oh.. forgot at first. then i was a bit scared la. i juz berdoa bnyk2 then it's time to check. i check email dulu pastu takde pape pun. check ngan haizum then die ckp thru accaglobal. i pun enter the web page. step by step til i get to view my results. i was like haa.. PASS i was so happy that i passed. i menjerit n rasa nak nangis.. plus i can't describe that feelings la. sangat-sangat-sangat happy. i called mum, hubby, told few frens n they r happy for me too. thanks.. thankks.. alhamdulillah. sangat bersyukur. weehoo... =) then, gi makan to celebrate. i kat ofis tadi cam weng sekejap sebab tak tentu arah. jalan sana jalan sini.. takleh nak focus. then told my boss bout it. told hr as well. hehehe.. =D

nak dijadikan cerita, masa nak balik tu keta i kena block. than punye lame tunggu bout 15min. lastly hubby reverse keta die then honk! honk! terkejut sume orang. at last indian guy tu punye keta. kelam kabut die alih keta. gud for him. teach him a lesson. btw, i tak berape marah sbb hati gembira ma.. hahahah.. =) weehoo... !! thanks to all for supporting me.. AMIN!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glorryyy! glorryyy! gloorryyy!!!