Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, February 25, 2008


we went to watch jumper. really nice show. the last time we went for a movie was like a month ago. that time, we watched sweeny todd. hehe. cool la. hubby cam comel sbb die ckp jump then lompat sejemput je. aler..ler..ler..cute. hehe. really enjoy the show. mula2 cam malas. i dah tertido then ard 5.15pm hubby called ckp die dh dekat umah. i pun haa..apalagi basuh muka then trus salin baju out we go. sometimes cam syok kan. bile plan2 tak jadi pegi, bile tak plan trus jadi. tu yg syok tu.

one more GOOD news! hubby sudah dpt itu keje. wish him luck n congrats. i pun rs excited. next monday start. hehe.. good luck yang. welcome to the new world. that is working world. hopefully dpt give u more experience in going thru this life. whatever it is, i'll alwiz b by urside. wil alwiz pray for u. lps ni bnyk benda kite nak plan kan yang. so, nnt let me kno ur experience k. tak sabar nak dgr stories.

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