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Sunday, February 17, 2008

bipolar mood

a weird topic guess so. mum's having it. it was really a bad situation for me coz i'm so stressed out.. stressed to the max. luckily the experience from past taught me few stuff. how to handle things.

well, s you all wanna know. bipolar mood tu is kind of a symptom. everyone might have it but it's juz how u control ur mind and emotions. that's y ppl say, it's not good to juz follow ur heart or else u'll be something like this. what i read b4 is that, those with this mood is that, there are 2 types. 1st hyper, 2nd depressed. when u r in a hyper mood, u tend to speak nonsense plus all the things from past. n u will say everything that you r not supposed to say. selalunye orang yang terlalu memendam perasaan ni will face this. sbb diorang tu tak reti nak express feelings so, when they r in hyper mood. they'll say everything in their heart. they will also tend to spend a lot of $$ without knowing that what they bougt. n at this time we will know what actually are they hiding for, i repeat yah.. 'DON'T KEEP ALL YOUR FEELINGS TO YOURSELF, IF YOU DON'T FEEL RIGHT, EXPRESSED IT' it's very important! btw, 2nd type will be that u will tend to sleep the whole day. u penat, tired, n u tak nak buat any single thing pun sbb u penat.

actually my mum memang kena depend on medication til she dies. tapi when her mood is ok, she said we wanted to kill her by giving all those pills. hmm.. i've made an appointment next tuesday to take her to psychiatrist. at the moment, everyone around mum should speak normally and should treat her the way we used to treat her when she's ok. but at times, i'm so fuck stressed, i can't take it ok. i cam tak puas hati ngan my dad n eldest sis. takkan we 4 orang je nak jaga mak. btw, what is the point of marrying if ur husband can't take care of urself. hello.. think la positively. already told that but he as usual sibuk main golf. time time camni pun nak main golf. tinggal mum with us, then we all takleh nak kuar umah plak. we all pun nak jalani normal lives.. jalan2.. tgk movie.. shopping.. hhmm.. apala. pastu ade expertise kat umah pun cam tak len nak membantu. baik je takyah belajar tinggi2. bukan nak help parents kan. luckily on net.. we got a lot of info. plus our guts that we have to go n see doctors to find out what is that all about.

so, to those whose their family members r having this kind of situation, i suggest that you all search n read all infos on it. u have to be strong to handle situations n please keep all the bank cards, knifes, locks, car keys n anything u can think of so that the person who is in that position will not harm themselves. n make sure the person always take their medication on time. so, their emotions are well-stable.

yesterday, we n elder sis cried on the phone. we were like regret for having a dad n eldest sis like that. not helpful. but takpela.. nenek ckp sabar la shima sabar la shima.. kita berikhtiar n berdoa kat tuhan semoga mereka berada dalam keadaan yang selamat. "YA ALLAH YA TUHANKU BERILAH KETENANGAN DAN KUATKAN LAH IMAN KU INI" "AMIN YA-RABBAL ALAMIN"

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