Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

early morning

i'm @ ofis nw. tgh breakfast. bihun putih. this morning ate 3 slice of bread with milo. but stil i want to eat nw or else i'll be lapar. yesterday was really bad ok. yalah.. all of the things. mum la. apa lagi. i lost my temper k. n hubby said i shouldn't act that way coz she is sick but arrgghh.. i tension k. tension sgt. i cried like nobody's business. hubby ckp i terlalu ikut emotion n feelings which is damn bad.

b4 that, i happy happy balik from pasar malam. i bought roti john n kuey tiow. damn full. tapi half way back from ofis. keta cam senggut-senggut. a bit worry. bile jln cam nak mati enjin. hubby ckp tu maybe time minyak dh kering then stil jalan, so all the keladak of minyak plus air dh bercampur then the car tak leh nak burn properly that's y la camtu. i was worried til this morning when i'm on my way to work. tapi towards half way dah takde. dh ok blk. alhamdulillah. lps ni kena maintain level minyak btul2 kn. nnt i yg balik risau risau.

oklah. nak habiskan makan then nk start work. hari ni nak wat ape ar? =)

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