Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


i found out today i can claim. so after bath, dinner, i search for all the bills and receipts. at first i couldn't found 1 receipt amounting to rm450, then i re-search and re-search finally jumpe. dlm envelope dlm envelope. dah kumpul then put inside one file. tomoro nak photocopy pastu pass kat kak zai.

today we had lunch at tupai2. i ate nasi+telur dadar+sayur cornflower+ikan masak kicap+air laici+air suam. kenyang. soo belanje. i was like segan plak tapi shirley ckp takpela. soo belanje. she later can claim rite.

today's my mum's appointment with the doctor. dad took her to the hospital. dad said the doctor told her that she is stressed. hmm.. tu je ke. i tak boleh nak korek story lagi sbb die cam taknak citer je. nantila.. i try to cari ok. hari ni i makan lauk tomyam. nasi lembik sket. dunno sape masak tapi alhamdulillah ade jgk makanan. blh makan. hehe.. =)

hubby tadi bz sket. sbb he got big interview tomoro. die pegi survey jalan ngan arid. hopefully he manage to get it n gud luck + all the best + i know u can do it insya-Allah be confident orait. drive safely.

ohh..tadi while nak tunggu page loading, i terpandang satu tupperware cookies. ingat cookies ape la tadi. rupa-rupanye biskut favourite i. kuih dahlia. hehe =) dah makan tak tau berapa ketul. skang tinggal sket je. haha.. sedap jgk la. dah lame tak makan. usually makan masa raya je. skang ni beli mesti murah kan. hehe.. oklah. pasni nak minum air kosong. past nak titon. nighty nite!!

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